8 minute read


{ Valuable Products Conveyed Without Using Air }


For coffee roasters and

processing companies with high-value product susceptible to damage, material breakage and loss is a costly problem that can damage the bottom line. Tubular cable conveyors can significantly reduce product damage, maintenance, energy use, and noise. Even a difference between 1% and 5% waste can mean the difference between profit or loss.

To convey such a delicate product, processors should avoid conveyors that may force fragile material through stressful phases during transport that could impact its integrity while still meeting high throughput requirements. Given this need, some coffee processors are reconsidering conveying sensitive, high-value product using high-velocity airpower through tubes bends, or sweeps before it is transferred into bins or containers.

Nippon Coffee Trading Co., headquartered in Osaka, Japan, sought a solution for delicately conveying its green coffee. Since its founding in 1953, Nippon Coffee has remained committed to providing its customers with the world's highest quality coffee. In 2015, the company reported sales of $86.7 million. With demand continuing, Nippon sought out a conveying system that offered more gentleness, flexibility, as well as lower maintenance than the conveyors it had relied on in the past. Nippon Coffee installed a cable conveyor system in 2015 and discovered the technology provided a solution that met its requirements for gentleness, flexibility, and low maintenance, as well as food safety.

"Before 2015, we used bucket, pneumatic, and belt conveyor systems to transport coffee at our facility," says Mr. Taro Takeda, President of Nippon Coffee Trading Co. "With cable technology, we've enjoyed a high-performance system that offers great flexibility and required very little maintenance expense over the years."

Nippon Coffee gently transports approximately 600 – 800 kilograms of green coffee beans every hour. Food safety is also a high priority for Nippon Coffee and its Japanese consumers. In this regard, the system's enclosed tubing eliminates opportunities for elements within the environment to contaminate the beans.

Tubular cable conveyor systems move product through a sealed tube using a coated, flexible stainless-steel drag cable pulled through on a loop. Solid circular discs (flights) are attached to the cable, which push the product at low speed through the tube without the use of air, preserving product integrity and minimizing waste. Coffee processors can decrease product damage down to 1-2% with this slower process, where product is gently transferred at low speed, so there is minimal to no damage. This gentler approach to handling coffee products also extends equipment longevity, reducing required maintenance.

The tubular cable conveyor systems can convey up to 2000 cubic feet per hour (56m3/hr.) of delicate product with numerous layouts using multiple inlets and outlets.

Since pneumatic systems convey product at high velocity, this typically requires larger, power-hungry motors that run fans, blowers, and rotary valves. In certain systems, a pressure tank requiring compressed air consumes additional power.

In terms of noise level, pneumatic conveying systems also generate considerable noise. Aero-mechanical systems, running at high speed, generate considerable motor and disc noise as well. Given that smaller motors are used, tubular cable systems are quieter overall and utilize much less energy. In regards to energy, they utilize about one-tenth that of pneumatic systems. The electricity savings by using a tubular conveyor can be sizeable, with a 1-year ROI in some cases.



{MMy journey in coffee began in June of 2020. At this time, I was just starting out and looking for direction. Some of this came

through a great conversation I had with a very pleasant Diedrich representative, Margie Paulson, who was very informative and sparked my interest in their roasting equipment. Honestly, being a new company, I was a bit intimidated and I did not know if I could make this roasting dream work. And yet I knew I needed to support our men and women here in the US. If I was to take my small roasting company to the next level, it had to be American-built. Over the next couple of months, I did in-depth research on roasters and their manufacturers. I spoke to representatives and owners evaluating support, warranty, part availability, ease of use, and aesthetics.

My deciding point came late in September of 2020. I had enrolled for an official roasting class at the "LAB" with Royal NY. It was there where I truly fell in love with the Diedrich roaster. The ease of use, the reproducibility of batches, and the quality of the IR 5 had me sold. I communicated my experience with Christine at Diedrich and shared my story of being a frontline healthcare worker. She, in turn, shared my story with Mr. Karl Schmidt, and between the two of them, they were able to offer me free shipping and crating, making the purchase more manageable. After a family meeting and praying on it, we felt it was the right decision. Christine's thoughtful cards are well appreciated; it made us feel that we have bought into a family with values versus just being another purchase.

ROASTING Although I only started roasting in 2020, coffee has been ingrained in my soul as far back as I can remember. It has always been more than a morning pick me up; it's what bonded my family, friends, and even strangers. Coffee, for me, is a gesture of hospitality and goodwill to be shared. I initially got into roasting for personal, slightly selfish reasons: I have always been on a quest for the perfect cup, purchasing and sampling coffee everywhere I go. Yet, I grew tired of paying high prices to only be disappointed by low quality or poorly roasted coffee. I have traveled abroad many times and never experienced a bad cup of coffee. There is a great sense of pride in Europe's coffee culture lacking in my local community. So, I went online, ordered a small air roaster, ordered greens, and started this journey. My small batches were far from perfect, but a thousand times better than anything I was purchasing in-store or at the so-called local roaster. I started to take coffee to family and friends; the best part was to see their faces light up when the coffee hit their lips and ask where this was purchased. Then saying it was the best cup of coffee they had experienced. After a few months of air roasting and people always asking me to sell them coffee, I decided to purchase the HUKY Roaster and start a small business.

I immersed myself in whatever roasting books I could find, educated myself on roasting techniques, took a course on building a wholesale coffee business, and learned to use Artisan. After months of self-taught roasting and selling coffee, I enrolled in roasting school at Royal New York. Here is where I learned cupping, density, moisture evaluation, and proper roasting technique. I roasted on Diedrich’s IR-5, and to me, this was the pinnacle of my coffee journey! Yet

it was only the beginning. I took what I learned at RNY and immediately incorporated it into my techniques. I now had the education I could not get from books! As coffee sales increased, word of mouth began to spread like wildfire, and I knew at this point I was on to something good.

COFFEE & HEALTHCARE: Around March, when the pandemic peaked, the outpouring from the local community was tremendous. Local businesses and restaurants provided us with meals, snacks, drinks, and especially coffee. Coffee is what kept many of us fueled to continue long shifts, not knowing when we would be home to see our families again. It was the community's way of thanking us for all we were doing.

In June, when most businesses were closed or limited, I began my roasting journey... After gaining quick recognition from family and friends, I began to share coffee with my coworkers at the hospital. This was a real hit, and it was time for me to do my part by bringing happiness to those I work with as the pandemic raged on. As more and more people tasted my coffee, the word began to spread, and before I knew it, people were asking for coffee all the time. I now faced a new burden; I could not meet the demand with my tiny air roaster, so in late July, I ordered the 500g "HUKY T". This would now allow me to roast four pounds per hour and offered the opportunity to learn and share more with those I worked within Radiology. During this time, I was also able to donate coffee to the employees of a local cancer center based out of NYC. As my small company continued to grow, the 500g roaster became a burden as I was spending endless hours to meet the demand of customers and donations. To say the least, nights and weekends were completely consumed roasting after working indeterminate hours as MRI Department Manager.

Although it has been a lot of work, it has definitely been rewarding. Roasting has been an outlet, allowing me to free my mind of the stress endured while working at a hospital during this terrible pandemic. I know the IR-2.5 will take my small business to the next level and allow me to donate more coffee to the deserving men and women who put themselves at risk on a daily basis.

I am truly blessed to share a bit of happiness with my healthcare brothers and sisters through the joy of coffee! Great coffee has always brought me happiness, and this is what I intend to spread through my roasting.

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