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CoffeeTalk Magazine

CoffeeTalk Magazine



{ An Exciting Start }


2021 is off to an exciting start! As bad as Covid is,

some positives have come out of this experience.

Through absolute necessity, businesses have discovered that remote employment can be done successfully. New tools have been thrust upon us, and we have risen to the occasion. We are forever changed, and those who embrace change out-of-the-box thinking will thrive.

At CoffeeTalk, we realize that now, more than ever, a sense of community and connection is essential for our entire industry. CoffeeTalk Magazine provides editorial content to keep these connections going, but it just isn’t enough in today’s remote environment. Consequently, we are excited to announce our new online platform, the brainchild of our new Editor-in-Chief, Jake Leonti!

The need to connect is one

of the most compelling impulses we have as human beings. Throughout history, it has driven us to explore the planet and reach for the stars.

Though CoffeeTalk has provided a collective brain trust over the last quarter-century, our industry is changing, and essential connection opportunities have been lost these last months. We have been inspired to expand ways to create and continue these vital connections between industry members and passionate consumers through our new, expanded online platform. We’re just a click away with fresh content, new podcasts, and a place to connect with others in the industry and hear their stories. To listen to the challenges of others and how they approach or overcome them is always valuable. Again, we are social creatures, and this is how we learn.

When I first started in the industry, there was little to no information online, and it was a challenge to find materials or a network to connect with. Today there are almost too many voices talking about the same topic. Filtering through expertise and identity has become more valuable than the volume of information at this point. We are coffee experts, and we will also make sure that only the most useful and informative content makes it through to our platforms.

We are very excited to share our updated website and refreshed gathering place for dedicated coffee people later this February. We hope you enjoy it.

