4 minute read



By Eric Doyle

What does Digital Media mean to you and your business?

Is it something you do because you think you should?

Do you see it as a necessary evil?

Or is it core to your commercial success?

Most businesses have a website and do some sort of Digital marketing, whether that's some advertising or posting content on Social Media, but why do we do it? What is it really for, what does it do for you and, more importantly, what could it be doing?

We talk about the ‘Digital Twin’ of your sector, how over the last 10 years a curtain has appeared that separates the traditional, analogue commercial processes we've all utilised for many years, from the modern digital commercial world. This applies to all of us, regardless of which sector we work in, the Digital Twin of your commercial sector is growing.

Some have noticed this evolution in Marketing, Sales and Business development and have developed effective strategies and applications to allow them to flourish in the Digital Twin of their sectors. Others are curious but have not yet fully bought in and the remainder are unaware of the opportunity.

One of the fundamentals is that the strategies and plays are very different in the Digital Twin of your sector, to that of which we know as traditional demand generation tactics and techniques. The modes of operation are different, the language is different and it requires a shift in mindset and process.

With Digital Media we focus on 4 main areas: Creating influence within important business communities: How you and your team provide consistent proof that you understand the challenges of your prospect base and can provide the correct solutions to those challenges.

Creating demand for your products and services: Allowing your digital audience to buy into you, your team and how you can help them.

Gaining algorithmic favorability: Working in a way that means that digital channels are working with you, to support you.

Driving internet results: Making sure that your organisation, your team and all of your digital content is head and shoulders above anyone else in your sector.

Making a definable and measurable commercial impact to our bottom line.

Not once or twice…consistently.

It all starts with creating a detailed digital commercial strategy. Defining exactly what you need to do and where you need to be in order to affect the results you want.

Whilst many are simply posting the odd bit of content every now and then because they feel it's good for ‘visibility’, others have realised the weight of the opportunity if they take a strategic approach to the digital aspects of their commercial strategy.

We always start with a question: Who are the leading technical and commercial digital influencers in your sector..?

Being a technical and commercial influencer may not be something you've ever considered and the concept doesn't sit well with everyone, but as the digital commercial evolution continues to grow, it's important for all professionals, of all ages, all disciplines to realise that this is important.

I often advise business leaders who tell me that they don't like social media “you may not like social media but I'm sure you like revenue, profit, ebitda and growth…” - the digital mindset shift.

As the digital commercial world grows, those that are leading in digital are soaking up all of the attention, the connections, the conversations and the commercial interaction in your sector.

So, imagine if the leading technical and commercial influencers in your sector were you and your team…

Whether you are an engineering company, a service company or make widgets…the Digital Twin of your sector is open for business and growing.

We are in the midst of the biggest shift in modern commerce since the industrial revolution - the digital transformation. The question is, are you leading the digital charge in your sector and taking all of the benefit, or are you playing in the margins..?

We run an ‘Introduction to Digital Commercial Strategy’ session that unpacks all of this, and we would be happy to walk you and your team through it. 