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From the eyes of an exhibitor

From bottling lines through to tanks, tractors through to vine trimmers, the Vineyard & Winery Show has every type of trade on hand for the 2,000 or so growers and wine makers that attend every year in November.

Organised by the same team that publishes this very magazine, the

As a veteran exhibitor and a frequent attendee at vineyard trade shows, VineWorks is in a unique position to provide an ‘insider’s view’ of this event.

How do we think the show went?

The event was well organised from start to finish with visitors arriving as soon as the doors opened. Stalls were well spaced, which kept congestion to a minimum, and there was ample space to display large equipment and vehicles.

The range of seminars was excellent. We were particularly pleased with the reception Sam Middleton received for his research exploring PIWI, (disease-resistant) grape varieties, which was sponsored by VineWorks.

What did we talk about with visitors?

At the VineWorks stand, we were busy all day fielding lots of enquiries from people thinking about planting or considering using our consultancy packages.

We also had a number of existing clients drop by to initiate discussions around expansion – suggesting that investment within the sector is strong.

Our new VineWorks branding was a big topic of conservation. After 16 years in the business, we decided it was time for a refresh. We worked with leading designers, CookChick, to come up with a new logo inspired by aerial views of vineyards.

Vineyard & Winery Show has quickly become the place to exhibit and visit if you are in any way involved in such a fast moving industry. But we understand that you may not just want to take our word for it, so we asked Vineworks – who have been in the industry since 2006 –what they thought of the 2022 event.

What was our most popular feature?

Our fresh coffee, biscuits and comfy chairs went down a treat!

We invited some of our suppliers (Bekaert, Gripple, Mapman, Metos) to join our stand which gave them a chance to speak directly with clients and demonstrate their products.

Our display of trellising materials attracted a number of enquiries about the vineyard supplies available to purchase from our online VineWorks’ shop.

Final thoughts

“The Vineyard & Winery Show is the best industry trade show in the UK. Vineyard owners and viticulture professionals can meet face-to-face, hear the latest research, and explore services, all in the space of a day,” enthuses James Dodson, CEO.

The 2022 show demonstrated that the UK wine industry remains strong and vibrant with new investment, research, technology and service providers continuously developing.

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