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From the editor

A little bit of fun.

“Fun is one of the most important – and underated – ingredients in any successful venture. If you are not having fun then it is probably time to call it quits and try something else,” said Richard Branson.

Fun as a concept is something that can be difficult to hold on to. We start off in our chosen venture with enthusiasm and as we go along we pick up skills however worries, difficulties and trials are things that come the way of everyone. Some trials are deeply personal and some we share collectively. The WineGB Industry Conference (page 16) addressed some of these collective concerns not only for the English and Welsh wine industry specifically but also for humanity in terms of climate change. These things can make it a challenge to hold on to that sense of fun and yet it can be achieved. In this edition we have included a little bit of fun thanks to all of you who responded to our request for pictures of your four legged friends that are an integral part of your wine world. A sense of fun was also clearly evident when I visited Whinyard Rocks in Wales for this month's editor's visit (page 24). Whinyard Rocks have started out on their wine journey and their sense of fun has not diminished despite the unique set of challenges they face and I am confident that they will continue to hold onto this as their journey continues.

Wine is of course a serious business and there are many passionate people within our industry but sprinkling a little fun into the mix will only increase the sparkle. Our publisher has said that I have gone all mushy so I am off now to find some fun at the pruning competition…

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