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4-H EXPERIENCE Youth leader shares about

Head. Heart. Hands. Health. When these words are separated, they may seem random, but when combined, they create the building blocks of my life. My name is Emma Littich and I am a 12 year member of the Smoky View 4-H Club in the Central Kansas District. I am currently serving as the Kansas State Youth Leadership Council President. Over the course of the past 12 years, 4-H has been one of the most influential experiences I have ever had.



my country, and even my world. My favorite experience was a multi-county project in which youth and adults helped sew tote bags as well as gather donations for the “Wellness Tote Project.” The Wellness Tote Project is a group that works to provide gift bags full of items like chap stick, reusable water bottles, journals, blankets, and anything else that patients going through cancer treatments might enjoy during their hospital stays. We were able to donate 13 8 bags and around 120 different items. 4-H has taught me that I can use my hands to help others and how much of an impact I can make.

Head. I can remember my early years in 4-H. I would watch as older 4-H’ers worked with full force to achieve their goals. I remember the desperate desire to be just like my role models. One of the greatest awards in my county is being recognized as fair court. The summer of 2021 I had the honor of serving as the Tri-Rivers Fair Queen. Once I put on the tiara and sash, it finally occurred to me: I had become the role model. With this honor comes a great responsibility. I used my head in 4-H to allow me to make clear decisions and remember the grit that I had always looked up to, as I realized that my actions influenced others and their 4-H journey.

Heart . My Grandpa, Edward Wilson, who unfortunately passed before I was able to meet him, was the inspiration of my 4-H career. I felt that I was carrying on a family tradition joining 4-H as my mother and her late father—a leader of the Indian Creek 4-H Club—had both been in before me. When I was first allowed to go to 4-H Camp at the lovely Rock Springs, I was undeniably excited to visit a tree that had been planted in his name many years prior, and it gave me a connection to my Grandpa Ed. This is how I use my heart in 4-H.

Hands. Through 4-H I have had countless opportunities to serve my club, my community,

Health. One of my favorite memories of 4-H is going to Rock Springs in the summers for 4-H camp. From archery to building rockets to horseback riding, camp was one of the things I loved most about the summer because it gave me a chance to actively explore all aspects of 4-H. I have so many fun memories of making friends when I was only 9 years old that I still see occasionally to this day. I cherish the memories of camp because they allowed me to be active and experience healthy living. Along with many other project-based experiences, this is how I used the health aspect of 4-H.

These are just a few of the countless ways 4-H has impacted me. I am forever grateful for every experience, memory, and opportunity 4-H has provided me. I can’t imagine my life without 4-H, and I would not be the person I am today without it. Thank you for taking the time to read my story and thank you for your continued support. You are truly making a difference in the lives of youth in Kansas 4-H.

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