1 minute read


Check your engine lights. Always keep an eye on your dash display for warning lights - danger (red) or warning (yellow). A blue light (temperature) when you first turn on your car should shut off once the vehicle is warm while a red light might indicate an issue to the cooling system.

Driving at night can be a hazardous affair. Ensure your external and internal lights are functioning properly as they make it easier for you to spot other drivers and vice versa. If you are unaware of your light status, please stop by and let us help.

It’s the hottest time of the year and what better summer present than a good working AC. Bring your vehicle in and let us service your system. If you believe the system is just “low” on refrigerant, other facilities can and will accommodate your needs. Our service is designed to detect possible issues with the intent of repairing and creating a properly functioning AC system.

Insurance Office

Monday - Friday • 9 am - 5 pm

Saturday • 10 am - 2 pm

Located inside Shogun Auto Care Center!

Shogun Auto Care Center

Bldg 1436

Repair Center

966-7356 • JP: 036-868-2232

Monday - Saturday • 8 am - 5 pm

U-Wrench-It & Parts Store

966-7355 • JP: 036-868-2221

Monday - Friday • 8 am - 7 pm

Saturday • 8 am - 8 pm

Sunday • 10 am - 6 pm

Please don’t forget to update your JCI. Expired JCI can result in loss of license, tickets issued (for points), or a fine. Our staff at Shogun Auto Care Center can assist you with complete JCI’s. Stop by or call for more details.

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