2 minute read

10 Questions with Salli McMorrow

By Stacey McEvoy

We are delighted to welcome Chatham resident Salli McMorrow to the staff of Chatham Living and Madison Living magazines. Salli is pictured at one of her favorite places in Chatham--The Library of the Chathams. Stop by the library's book sale this month to say hello to Salli, a member of the Friends of the Library of the Chathams--she's been working hard helping to prepare for the much anticipated book sale!

What is a perfect day in Chatham for you?

I think a perfect day here for me would be a good round of golf in the morning, followed by a visit to Fish & Game in the afternoon and then time spent with my family – my husband, daughter and her husband and three wonderful teenage children and my son and his wife and darling 4 ½ year old.

If you could have one super power, what would it be?

The power to bring on a lasting peace in the world, with no one hating anyone else and everyone, happy, well fed and loved.

What are your hobbies?

Well, I love to read! I probably spend more time doing that than anything else. I belong to a knitting group, but am the least productive person in it. I enjoy being with people and belong to a couple of very active reading groups. I also spend an inordinate amount of time playing “Words With Friends,” a really addicting pastime.

Are you a dog or cat person?


What is a piece of advice you would give your younger self?

Give yourself a chance to become an actress. Just try it – it might be the right thing for you.

If you were shipped off to a deserted island for six months, what album would you bring?

Probably not an album, but a large bag full of books!

If you could have coffee with one famous person, alive or dead, who would it be?

I gave this one a lot of thought and I think I would choose Doris Kearns Goodwin – one of my favorite writers. We both grew up on Long Island and are about four years apart in age. She writes clearly and beautifully and is a joy to read. I would ask her when she discovered her marvelous talent for writing non-fiction and what especially interested her in history?

What was your favorite subject in school?

An easy question to answer – English!

What talent do you wish you had?

Probably more talent in writing – words have always fascinated me.

Where is the most interesting place you have visited?

I would have to say Moscow. When I was a child the thought of going to Russia was the same as going to Mars – almost impossible. – Russia was our enemy in the cold war and how could I have imagined that I would get to Moscow 20 years ago and be totally fascinated by actually being there.