1 minute read

empower; organize; mobilize; LIGHT THE MATCH

In Alaska, art has been a way to share stories for thousands of years. We build a shared vision for healing, transition, and justice when we share art. Together, our art shifts the dominant narrative of colonized media.


In Alaska, youth voices are powerful and demand to be heard. As we build pathways toward a Just Transition in Alaska, our collective, organized voice is more powerful than any of our voices alone. There are many ways to disband extractive economies; creating art is a key example of how we organize for a better future.

Regenerative economies and reframing our definition of economy fosters systems of care and management of our home, rooted in values that already exist within Alaskan Communities of Color. These systems must be led by and for Black and Indigenous Communities from the outset.

REgeneration is a youth-led narrative publication that highlights the Just Transition Framework and shares local art with themes of healing, joy, and action. Our goal is to build community, amplify youth narratives, and illustrate how art creates thriving regenerative economies in Alaska.