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A Tale of Community Cohesion

A Tale of Community Cohesion: Together We Can Create Change

On a Saturday morning after a hectic week, a bunch of strangers gathers in a central Ballarat hall with one mission on their mind: self sufficiency.


Words and Photography by Lou Ridsdale

Taking their seats, they acknowledge their neighbours with a shy nod. The class commences. What happens in the next hour or so is quite remarkable. Facts, figures, demonstrations, and hands-on immersive experiments occur. Amid the laughter and chatter, notes are furiously taken as knowledge is imparted via videos and photographs. This knowledge will empower attendees to apply all they’ve learned when they return home. And the best bit: the shy glances that first occurred have turned into big wide smiles, and an obvious rapport has been formed. In a society that favours connection via screens over face-to-face interactions, this is an unusual experience for some.

So, what is going on here?

Food Is Free Inc. has delivered numerous workshops and events geared towards empowering the members of the Ballarat community with the skills and knowledge to grow their own food, lead sustainable lives, and carry out good environmental practice – and we’ve loved every minute! If you’ve ever been part of a community gathering like this, you’ll be familiar with the positive energy it generates.

Food Is Free Inc. is a shining example of how communities can work together via gardening and food sharing, whilst fostering safer neighbourhoods, developing skills and facilitating empowerment, in addition to building confidence and a stronger, healthier population.

Since October 2019, Food Is Free has hosted over 40 workshops, with 30 to take place before May 2020. Over 700 people have attended, and we anticipate that we’ll reach over 1000 by the time we finish. That’s 1000 people committed to supporting a self-sufficient environment, who wish to empower themselves with new skills (or enhance the skills they already possess), all in an endeavour to make the world more ecofriendly.

Junkies hosted one of the more memorable workshops, with a great gathering of craft-orientated eco-warriors who learned how to DIY their own seeds and garden diaries out of old recycled books, diaries and photo albums. Selena and Freya based the workshop on a previous article on seed saving, and it worked an absolute treat. Other crafty/art themed workshops hosted by Food Is Free and run by amazing facilitators have included Ephemeral Art run by Colleen from Fifteen Trees; Garden Photography with Smart Phones plus Botanic Art Drawing by Louisa West; Origami Seed Packet Making with Leigh; Family Crafts by Anna Paxton; and Christmas Wreath making from Botanics by Fi Walsh.

Other workshops include Seed Saving, Backyard Chickens, Asian Dumpling Making, Companion Planting, Herbs, Permaculture Kitchen Design, Soil Testing, Plants and Pets, Indoor Plant Health, Recycling, Beekeeping, Worm Farms, Organic Pest Management, Kids’ Gardening and Vegetable Fermenting, to name just a few.

Workshops on garlic growing, Asian greens gardening, edible flowers, jam making, recycling and gardening, fungi, growing olives, quinces, teas and global medicines, and various kids’ workshops that encourage nature play are planned.

Our motto is: “Save money, do it yourself and leave behind a better planet”.

Empowerment leads to a confidence in attendees that was not present prior to the event. The Christmas Wreath Making workshop, for example, was held a few weeks prior to Christmas, often a stressful and chaotic time. The hall was filled with people taking a little time out of the hustle and bustle of Christmas

“The shy glances that first occurred have turned into big wide smiles…”

shopping and menu planning. Christmas wreath making with natives proved to be really meditative! Stressed frowns were turned upside down once the workshop kicked off. One lady who voiced self-doubt prior to making her wreath, and even openly berated herself for ‘doing a lousy job’ as she started the wreath’s structure, was positively beaming with pride at what she had created and chatting happily with her fellow wreath-makers at the conclusion of the workshop.

Many of the attendees in the Botanic Art Drawing class were initially quite concerned about being judged for their attempts, but the orientation speeches stressed that we endeavour to create safe spaces at Food Is Free Inc. No one is critiqued for their work; the emphasis is on relaxing and having fun. As the drawing chops started to flow, you could see everyone really relax and it became a very joyful session. As everyone became immersed in their drawings, you could almost hear a pin drop. However, this changed to rowdy hilarious rapture as attendees congratulated each other on their drawings at the workshop’s conclusion.

Another positive was to observe the friendships that were formed, phone numbers being exchanged and coffee appointments being made by attendees. That is real community connection, something Food Is Free Inc. works hard to promote.

Food Is Free Inc. is a grassroots, community-led not-for-profit group benefitting people, particularly those experiencing disadvantage, and has a core purpose of assisting and promoting food security, plus community cohesion and inclusion. Food Is Free Inc. operates over two sites: Food Is Free Laneway and Food Is Free Green Space, both within a short walk of each other in Ballarat.

Food Is Free Laneway was established in 2014 and operates as a food security platform to eliminate food waste. It facilitates visitors to leave home-grown food (herbs, vegetables and fruit) in share baskets for others to take and enjoy, along with some other gardening orientated items such as free seeds/ seedlings/gardening books/gardening pots; it also encourages self-sufficiency via education and assistance. Food Is Free Green Space, across the road from the Laneway, was launched in 2018; its purpose is to grow food en masse, as well as to serve as an outdoor classroom for workshops, tours and events.

Workshops have been funded by a state government grant via the Department of Premier and Cabinet called Pick My Project. Our commitment to empowerment via education on food security, food waste, and self-sufficiency will continue into 2020 and beyond.

With so many people committed to, or at least curious about, leading a more sustainable lifestyle, the future is very bright indeed. This community spirit and shared responsibility for taking care of our planet suggests we are in good shape to create a better future.

Lou Ridsdale is the Founder/Director of Food Is Free Inc. More info: foodisfree.com.au facebook.com/foodisfreelanewayballarat

“Food Is Free Inc. is a shining example of how communities can work together…”

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