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Custody Matters
It is Sarasota County PRNR’s intent to meet the needs of the children, especially when their parents/guardians are experiencing a difficult situation such as divorce, separation, or remarriage. However, the camp cannot restrict the non-custodial parent from visiting the child(ren), reviewing the child(ren)’s records, or picking the child(ren) up unless the camp has been provided with current legal documents restricting the parent from having access to the child(ren). Copies of the court documents will be kept in the child(ren)’s file.
Change Of Emergency Information
It is important that Sarasota County PRNR maintains current and accurate records on each child so that parents can be contacted in case of an emergency. This information includes address, phone numbers, email and namesof individuals authorized to pickupyourchild(ren). It is extremelyimportant to the safety of your child(ren) that we be informed of changes. It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to make any necessary updates if changes occur.
Important! Parents/Guardians must inform the staff when:
✓ Household contact information should be updated (i.e. change in phone number, e-mail, address, emergency contact, etc.)
✓ Someone other than those listed on your child(ren)’s registration will be picking up your child(ren). This information must be in writing and the designee will be asked to show valid identification.
✓ Your child(ren) cannot be picked up on time or your child(ren) will be late.
✓ If your child has been ill, please stay home until well again.
Parents/Guardians will be notified when:
✓ Your child is injured or ill.
✓ Your child is having disciplinary issues.
✓ Your child has any other issue or incident that you need to be notified and informed of.
Please communicate any questions, comments, or concerns you may have to parks/camp staff. Keeping open communication between parents/guardians and camp staff is key to the success of the summer camp program.
Unauthorized Person(s)
Unauthorized person(s) are not permitted to visit the camp site during camp hours and will be asked to leave. Any visitor who refuses to follow these policies or who generally seems inappropriate for any reason must be reported to the site Program Coordinator
Visitors at Camp
Visitors are not encouraged as they can become a distraction, and camp staff is not permitted to bring guests. When parents/guardians wish to visit, they must first check in with the Camp Director, unless the activity has been advertised as a time for visitation by parents/guardians.
Evaluations will be issued via email at the conclusion of each “Summer in the Parks” program. Your comments and concerns are important to us. Please take time to fill out the evaluation, as your feedback means a great deal to us.
Sarasota County Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Summer Camp Parent Handbook

Developed and reviewed by: American Camp Association, American Academy of Pediatrics Council on School Health, & Association of Camp Nurses.
Please Note: We do not give out any non-prescription medications at camp. Should your camper have a prescription that is needed during camp hours, we do offer a supervised self-administration option for physician prescribed medications that must be kept in camp.
Please Note: Staff will provide basic first aid and care for campers within the scope of their training. In the event of an emergency parents will be contacted, and EMS will be called
Day Camp Location:
Dates will attend camp: from to Month/Day/Year Month/Day/Year
Camper Name:
Custodial parent(s)/guardian(s) phone: ( ) ( )
Please Note: We want your child to have the very best and safe camp experience Please be thoughtful in your answers so we may take into consideration the most accurate information for your camper.
Parents and Guardians: Please review the CAMPER HEALTH HISTORY FORM and complete all sections of this form prior to the first day of camp, please indicate an N/A if necessary. Attach additional information if needed.
Diet, Nutrition, or Allergies: Eats a regular diet. Has a medically prescribed meal plan or dietary restrictions:(describe below) Note any Allergies Below
The camper is undergoing treatment at this time for the following conditions: (describe below) None.
Medication: No daily medications. Will take the following prescribed medication(s) while at camp: (Please also complete the supervised self-administration medical forms at the back of the Parent Handbook)
Other concerns or comments: (describe below) None.
Do you feel that the camper will require limitations or restrictions to activity while at camp? No Yes
If you answered “Yes” to the question above, what do you recommend? (Describe below attach additional information if needed)
Name of parent/guardian (please print):
Telephone: ( )
SUMMER CAMP PROGRAM – Self-Administration and Storage of Medication Policy
Campers May Not Keep Medication(s) in their backpacks, lunch boxes, or on their person at any time. Medication(s) must be kept in a locked container, onsite, in the Camp Office.
Sarasota County Parks, Recreation, and Natural Resources Day Camp Program will keep on file the following information:
Prescribed inhalers or Epi-pens or other prescribed medications with parent’s consent; and a physician’s signature. Medication(s) will be stored onsite, in the camp office, in a locked box or container. Staff do not have the ability to keep medication cold – therefore if a medication requires refrigeration – the parent should provide an insulated bag with effective cooling accessories (such as ice packs).
Authorization forms for each medication, which require a parent’s and doctor’s signature, are required. Sarasota County Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Summer Camp Staff and Coordinators will make all necessary efforts to ensure the timely and proper self-administration of camper medication(s) – however, are not responsible for lost, stolen, or spoiled medications or improper or untimely self-administration. It is the parent’s responsibility to inform and instruct the camper who must self-administer their own medication how to do so properly prior to the first day of camp.
Parent Responsibilities
It is the parent’s responsibility to inform the Camp Supervisor upon arrival, on the 1st day the camper attends the program, that their child has a prescribed inhaler, epi-pen, or other prescribed medication. The medication must be provided to the Camp Supervisor to be inaccessible to other children. Medication forms are required to be signed by both the parent and physician before the program starts. They must include:
• The child’s name, address, and birth date.
• The drug name and prescribed dose.
• The method of administration (oral, topical, epi-pen, etc.).
• The time to be self-administered.
• The side effects.
• The prescriber’s name and address.
• Medications must be in their original container and clearly labeled.
Staff Responsibilities
Medication will be self-administered by camper, but under supervision by a camp staff member. Staff will keep accurate documentation of all medications administered by completing the Health Log,which will be kept in the Program Coordinator’s Office. Individual administration records shall include:
• The camper's name, date and time the medication was administered.
• The dose that was administered.
• Any comments
• Parents shall be notified of any administration errors by telephone. The error will be documented in the camp Health Log.
By signing below I acknowledge that I have read and fully understand the Sarasota County Parks, Recreation, and Natural Resources Camp Medication Storage Policy and Procedure.
Parent Signature Date____