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Help to save lives, join Pet Blood Bank’s virtual fundraising challenge around the UK coast!

Starting on Monday 1 May, the virtual challenge begins and ends at the blood bank in Loughborough and aims to raise £10,000. The coastline was chosen to represent the vast distance that Pet Blood Bank travels every year to collect and distribute lifesaving blood for dogs.

Operating very similarly to the human blood service, Pet Blood Bank collects blood donations from donor dogs across the UK which then goes towards helping to save the lives of other dogs in need. Every donation a dog gives can help to save the lives of up to four other dogs. All dogs across the UK have access to the lifesaving blood should they ever need it, so it really is a vital service.

Pet Blood Bank is urging pet owners and lovers to join them on this huge challenge to help support the lifesaving blood bank service. You can participate as a team or as an individual, either way every mile you do will count towards the collective 11,232 mile target as the charity races to complete the challenge in just 30 days.

The funds raised from the challenge will help to save the lives of pets across the country by supporting the blood bank. They will also allow the charity to invest for the future through vital research and education as well as continue to do things like provide free blood for veterinary charities and subsidise the cost of blood. n To find out more and join the challenge, please visit www.petbloodbankuk .org/challenge service, very pleased with tunnels, exactly as described’

‘Great tunnel, great service good service

Light weight tunnels are suitable for home use with a small dog.

Medium weight tunnels can be used at home or for small clubs where you have a few dogs.

Heavy weight tunnels for use at clubs with a lot of ‘traffic’ or large/boisterous dogs where you need more stability.

Excellent product, good service’ Please

I ordered a tunnel from Naylor's - the website was easy to use, and they took the trouble to contact me about the colours I had chosen to make sure they would match, which was a lovely touch. It was made to order but still came really quickly. Well packaged. The tunnel itself is awesome and my dogs have been having great fun with it. Faultless.’