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Do you have an anxious Dog? SAY HELLO TO YELLOW

Our extensive range of award winning yellow space awareness products have been carefully designed and tested in the UK. They will keep your dog stylish and feeling comfortable whilst providing you with optimum control and confidence.

Our collars, leads, harnesses, cosy jumpers and yellow doggy raincoats are a great way to let others know your anxious dog needs space. (sometimes we don't even know), what they need is that all important space.

DOGS suffering with anxiety are finding the confidence to go out on walks, visit pubs and cafes and take part in sporting activities.

Sarah Jones runs a community for anxious dog owners and makes yellow space awareness accessories so other dogs keep away and created the #dogsinyellow awareness campaign last year.

In just 12 months since the first National dogsinyellow Day on March 20th, a huge 91 percent of owners of nervous, shy or reactive dogs say they no longer feel like prisoners in their own homes and are able to enjoy life.

Sarah, whose mission was inspired by her own dog, Cocker Spaniel Bella, surveyed 1000 owners about the impact wearing yellow has had.

She said: “I started the awareness campaign because I got fed up with people saying, ‘No-one knows what it means,’ and ‘What's the point?’

“As the owner of an anxious dog, it broke my heart knowing that so many dogs and their owners were suffering and that it could be resolved with a little consideration from other people.

“It is amazing to hear that 91 percent of owners find wearing yellow makes their walks more enjoyable, and that 32 per cent are taking their dogs into pubs and restaurants and training classes.

“No-one who loves dogs wants to see another dog suffer or