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Dogs in cars –take safety to the next level

Most dog owners know about looking after their dogs when travelling in vehicles – the common-sense advice about hot weather, water and fresh air. But a recent report suggests that many pet owners still allow their dogs to wander about on the seats.

Why do pets need to be restrained in the car?

Because carrying unrestrained pets is dangerous. Even in a car crash at only 30mph a dog will fly forward and hit the first solid object it meets with a force equivalent to 25 times its own weight –which is likely to kill it and could injure or even kill a human. And if the dog jumps onto the driver’s lap, or into the footwell, this could very easily cause a complete loss of control.

Overall car safety has made massive progress in recent years, in every area. Humans must wear seat belts and airbags are standard, and all modern commercial vans now include safety bulkheads to protect people from being hit by the stuff behind them. So, what about transporting dogs? The UK’s Highway Code (section 57) is actually very strict about the safety requirements:

“When in a vehicle make sure dogs or other animals are suitably restrained so they cannot distract you while you are driving or injure you, or themselves, if you stop quickly. A seatbelt harness, pet carrier, dog cage or dog guard are ways of restraining animals in cars.” www.highwaycodeuk.co.uk/rules-aboutanimals-other-animals.html

4pets PRO cages are at the forefront of innovation in crash-tested cages

Crash-tested cages

4pets of Switzerland are right at the forefront of innovation in crash-tested dog cages. Their PRO range, which has been crash-tested by the German TÜV, has a patented high-tech rear panel that flexes when it’s hit; it absorbs and then releases the kinetic energy in a controlled way so as to give the dog every possible chance of surviving a crash, whether the impact is from the front or the back of the vehicle. It’s called the Impact Protection System and is the focus of a very different approach to safety compared to the ‘metal box’ type of crash-tested cages.

All parts of 4pets PRO cages are designed to be both user-friendly and dog friendly. They are based around an aluminium frame and have fibreglassreinforced plastic corners, with the sides and roof made from scratch-resistant laminated fibreboard that won’t get too cold in winter or too hot in summer.

The burst-proof door, which can be opened with one hand, will click shut under its own weight, allowing the owner to take and keep control of the dog as it jumps out of the car. Each size of 4pets PRO cage has been designed to fit into as many different cars as possible, to provide long-term value.

A crash-tested car carrier for smaller dogs

4pets also has a crash-tested system for carrying smaller pets on car seats. Caree is designed for small dogs up to 15kg and is fixed in place with a seatbelt or into the car's ISOFIX hooks, the quick and easy system designed for child car seats. There’s an access door on each side so it can be used on any seat, and it’s cleverly designed to include fabric parts where possible, making it lighter to carry and gentler on the car seats. All in all, it’s a safe and cosy refuge. Another crash-tested option for dogs that like a bit more space is the Sherpa crash-tested harness which works together with one of the car seatbelts. We would always recommend using the harness on the rear seats, but it’s also possible to use it on the front passenger seat if you turn off the airbag.

Sherpa crash-tested safety harnesses have a step-in design to make them easy to fit and remove. They work with the existing seatbelts so the dog can sit, stand, or lie down. Attach a lead and it will double as a walking harness.

Innovation and quality

You’ll find all these products on the Travelling with Pets website, together with many other innovative and highquality products which help to make it safer and easier to take your dog with you in a vehicle. Look out for the 4pets telescopic ramp which helps to take the strain off a dog’s joints when it gets in and out of cars. There are car seat covers and hammocks which will keep car seats clean, and also Dog Bag, an award-winning ‘pop up’ kennel that can be used just about anywhere - you can use it in the car to keep your dog secure, and the boot or back seats clean, at home as a bed and snug refuge, or outdoors as a shelter from the sun. n www.travellingwithpets.co.uk phone 015396 21884.

Dog Bag is an awardwinning ‘pop up’ kennel that can be used in the home, office, car, or when out and about as a shelter against the sun. Made of immensely hard-wearing and fully water-proof material, it’s held upright with an integral sprung steel frame. Bands of special mesh provide sufficient UV protection as well as plenty of ventilation.