4 minute read


The search for different and unique flavors can make for a lot of exploring and sampling in the kitchen.

Kim S. stumbled across a slight flavor twist when making authentic vanilla flavoring.

● 1 large vanilla bean

● 1/4 cup spiced rum*

● glass bottle

● patience

Carefully slice the vanilla bean lengthwise two to three times. Place bean in glass jar, if bean is too long, either cut to fit or split between two jars. Fill the jars with your favorite brand of spiced rum. This is where the patience comes in: Let bean soak in rum for three months before using. You will be glad you have a second bottle ready to go before the first one is emptied!

This makes a great holiday gift for friends and family and now is the perfect time to start steeping those beans! Decorate the bottle with ribbon, some tiny silk flowers, to decorate the bottle. Vanilla beans can be re-used several times, when the vanilla flavor starts tasting weak, it is time to replace the old bean with a new, fresh one.

*The measurement is approximate as it depends on the size of glass bottle being used to determine how much rum is needed.

HEALTH: HEALTHY TRAILS E-Bike Safety and Batteries

by Robert Soroky

As part of my continuing coverage of e-bikes, I wanted to discuss some important safety aspects that should be considered when purchasing an e-bike.

First, do not get swayed by “bargain priced” e-bikes.

E-bikes are complex machines and it is important to ensure a purchase is from a reputable company.

Even bike shops are very selective, not only about which brand names they will carry, but which e-bikes they will even maintain and repair.

Most quality e-bikes have electronics that require specific software to diagnose the equipment.

If a bike shop does not carry your particular e-bike brand, they will not have access to that software, and therefore will not be able to really work on the electronic portions of the bike. They should, however, still be able to work on the nonelectronic parts of the bike (shifters, deraileures, brakes, flat tires, etc).

The biggest area of concern, especially with off-brand e-bikes, are the quality of batteries and motors being used.

You may have heard about the rash of e-bike battery fires in New York City in 2022.

The city’s fire commissioner, Laura Kavanaugh, indicated that there were “more than 200 fires in New York City last year caused by batteries from e-bikes, electric scooters and similar devices” and that “lithium-ion batteries are now the third leading cause of fires in the city.” (https://www. npr.org/2023/03/11/1162732820/e-bike-scooter-lithium-ionbattery-fires)

As indicated, e-bikes use lithium-ion batteries, which tend to generate lots of power for long periods of time but are doing so from a comparatively small unit. A smart phone battery is a perfect example of this.

Under constant use, these types of batteries can heat up quickly. As a result, it is recommended that, when charging an e-bike battery, it is done away from any flammable material and avoid leaving the battery plugged in overnight.

Since there are very few regulations currently governing e-bikes, there is no sure way to determine the quality of batteries and motors. Fortunately, first-rate bike companies have a lot on the line when it comes to their reputation, so they have already taken steps to ensure the highest quality of manufacturing and safety for their batteries and motors. That said, government regulations will most likely be forthcoming to ensure ALL batteries and motors are meeting the highest safety standards.

Before making a purchase, learn how e-bikes work and focus on quality bike companies, even though their e-bikes may cost a bit more.

It can be a good idea to stop into a bike shop that sells and maintains e-bikes as they are going to have a great deal of knowledge about them.

HEALTH: OF MIND AND BODY Stop Caring What Others Think

by Kelly Bailey

If you are spending time caring time about what others think and trying to please everyone, it is time to rethink that use of your time.

Challenge your worries. Here is the reality: Most people are so involved with themselves that they are not thinking about you!

When you begin to worry about what someone is thinking, say things to yourself like “I will never see these people again” or “no one is thinking about me for more than 30 seconds.” Because it is true.

Stop gossiping. If you are gossiping, you are part of the problem.

You teach others that they cannot be their authentic selves. Gossip also backfires as you begin to believe that others are just as critical of you.

Feel empathy toward your critics. Wait, what? Bear with me for a minute and visualize the life of someone who is overly critical of you.

Maybe they left a nasty comment on your social media page, told you that you look fat and old, or talked about you behind your back. Now imagine the kind of life they must live to pour so much energy into thinking about yours.

Perhaps they are broke or living in their mom’s basement and have lots of extra time on their hands. Maybe they have no real friends. Pretty sad.

Care what others think only when it matters.

Let me be clear: I am not telling you to show up to a job interview unshowered, with leaves in your hair, spewing obscenities.

Robert Soroky is a lifelong cyclist who regularly participates in long-distance charity rides and is the manager of the Century Cycles Medina location. To learn more about Soroky, go to https://bit.ly/3Vof7DX Contact Soroky at robert@ centurycycles.com to suggest column topics, for further information or to chat about bikes.

There is a time and place to be mindful about the impression you will leave.

If your friends make you feel embarrassed because your house is a mess, you are a few pounds over 125, you do not have makeup on, and you are not driving an expensive car, you need new friends.

Get new friends and be a good friend.

You should absolutely have a trusted inner circle that does not care about how you look or act because their lives are just as much of a hot mess as yours is and you have made them comfortable enough to reveal it.

A certified personal trainer and certified holistic nutrition coach, Kelly Bailey owns and operates Kelly Bailey Wellness. Find her blog, visit the Food Freedom page, and contact her at https://www.kellybailey.fit/ Learn more about Bailey at https://bit.ly/3B9HkGm Following any recommendations are solely at your discretion and responsibility. Consult your medical professional prior to undertaking any suggested diet, lifestyle or exercise change or routine.