3 minute read

Corita Kent’s 10 Rules 16, 17 Robert Muller Book Club 18, 19 Rotary Collage

In honor of Corita Kent, we are sharing her 10 Rules of Living.

A graphically engaging memoir about her life.

“The person who makes things is a sign of hope.” – Corita Kent

Robert Muller Peace Book Club (online)

Prophet The Hatmaker’s Son

by Douglas Gillies

Margaret Mead called Robert Muller “the most brilliant man in the UN.”

Robert Muller experienced the devastation of two World Wars. One night while standing in a dark battle field weeping for all the young people whose lives had been squandered, he swore that he would devote his life to peace.

Robert left everything behind and joined the UN in its third year and spent the next 40 years following that dream he never abandoned. His enthusiasm and optimism led him to became known as a prophet of hope.

This book is a treasure-chest of largely unknown events based on extensive interviews with Robert and his experiences with world leaders.

Taking one of the eleven chapters each month, this book club will have time to savor Robert’s development from intern to the Assistant Secretary-General, his philosophy, as well as the early development of the United Nations.

To bring this book alive, the monthly discussions will be led by people intimately familiar with Robert and his work, including his wife, Barbara Gaughen-Muller, the author, Douglas Gillies, and the Hon. Douglas Roche, O.C., former Canadian Senator, parliamentarian, diplomat, author, and long-time friend and associate of Robert’s. (Click here for podcast with Douglas Roche.)

Join Us on ZOOM!

First Sunday of every month ... 9:00 am, Pacific* *Exception: January will be January 8, 2023

(All meetings are recorded and available on PeacePodcast.org)

Peace Bookclub Zoom: 847 6098 0621 (Click here for more about Robert Muller)

Peace Book Club Recordings

Click on the links below to listen to friends and associates talk about peace and Robert Muller. Or scan the QR Code.

Prophet, Chapter 7 - Birds of Flight

Robert sees the destruction of beautiful towns as he walks from the train on destroyed tracks and thinks, “If we have to fight, how do we make the world any better? You can’t change it with willpower, but maybe if you let your imagination wander, it will show you a better way.” Leader: Sanford Hinden

Prophet, Chapter 8 - The Escape

Robert avoided being drafted into the “stupid war,” however, he was arrested and stuck in a horrible, packed prison room with others. His uncle gives him a birth certificate for a man named Louis Parizot. Leader: Joanne DuFour

Prophet, Chapter 9 - The End of War

Robert witnessed the horrors and senseless murders caused by this “stupid war”. Dot reads moving segments of the book revealing how the war changed Robert as an order he gives as an officer results in the death of twenty young men. Victory ends his time in the resistance.

Leader: Dr. Dorothy Maver

“Dream always of a peaceful, warless, disarmed world.” – Robert Muller

Jennifer Jones President, Rotary International

Spring in Barbara’s Garden Spring in Barbara’s Garden