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Scholarships reward both previous attainment and future potential, as well as dedication and commitment to excellence.

As well as being an honour, Scholarships also come with a monetary benefit. This is normally a remission of 5% of the School tuition fees, but for exceptional candidates the School may consider a greater percentage.

Unlike Bursaries, Scholarships are not means-tested or based on a family’s ability to pay tuition fees. They are instead designed to show the School has recognised a particular talent and wants to help that pupil fulfil their potential.

Eligibility and Application

The following pages detail the requirements for each Scholarship type: Drama, Music, Sport, Art and STEAM Scholarships.These scholarships are based on the completion of an application form to begin with and involve the candidate attending an assessment or interview day. Academic Scholarships are awarded by the School based on performance in entrance examinations.


Scholarships are available to pupils in every year of the School. Most are typically awarded to pupils entering the School in Year 7, Year 9 and Sixth Form. However, Scholarships can be awarded to pupils already studying here and in any year.