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In Harmeny

When Kim tried her first ever parkrun, she was 161st finisher out of 165 and admits she found it “horrific”! But the experience didn’t put her off. She stuck with it, and now she’s inspiring others at the jogscotland group she leads at her running club, Harmeny AC.

The start of my running journey was a parkrun on Boxing Day 2015. If I said I loved it, I would be lying, it was horrific! I puffed, panted, swore and thought about quitting for the whole 5K. I finished 161st out of 165 runners. However, with two children under three, that was the push I needed to become a fitter mummy. The nearest jogscotland group was through a local running club, Harmeny AC and charged a joining fee. The thought of a running club scared me and as I was on maternity leave I didn’t want to spend any money. Instead I challenged myself to run 1000K in 2016 and raise money for charity.

The first few months were tough, I jog/walked in the rain and snow. I devoured running magazines in the hope some tip would make me love running. I tried focusing on my breathing, my foot fall, stride length, I even tried counting trees like one running magazine suggested but running on the Water of Leith that was ridiculous! Then one day it happened, I loved running. It was pouring with rain, I got drenched by a car and a bus but at my normal cut off I didn’t feel tired so carried on. I couldn’t believe it when I got home, and I’d run 9K in just under an hour – I was buzzing. I signed up for a 10K and a 13.1K race and then feeling much fitter I

signed up for Edinburgh half in May 2016 and that was it, I was hooked.

I can’t believe how much running has changed my life, I feel healthier, more confident and so much stronger both mentally and physically. I’ve gone on to run 11 ultra-marathons and six marathons to date but wouldn’t have got to where I was without the fantastic support of my running club and friends at Harmeny AC. Having been scared to join initially, I tentatively joined in November 2016 after being encouraged along by one of their inspirational members. I love being part of the club, I was never made to feel like I was holding people back or wasn’t good enough. I’ve been able to progress at my own pace while doing lots of social runs with brilliant company, great training sessions and I’ve gained invaluable advice.

When the opportunity arose to take on the organisation of Harmeny’s jogscotland group, I jumped at the chance. I could have done with company and support at the start of my running journey so for that reason and knowing how great Harmeny AC is, I wanted to help promote it. We made it free and advertised with flyers, posters and on social media. I don’t think anyone could believe it when almost 50 people turned up on the first week. Luckily, we have lots of fantastic jog leaders within the club so we can support all abilities. I did the jog leader course in December and the rewards have already been massive. I love seeing members’ confidence, fitness and ability improving and can’t wait to support them at parkrun. We have so many keen to continue their running journey that I’m now putting a transition plan in place for integrating them into Harmeny AC plus we already have signups for our next jogscotland course starting in April. For anyone considering becoming a jog leader – do it, you won’t regret it!