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A whole new life...

A whole new life…

By Susan Thorburn, jogscotland Dunfermline

In April 2015, my health was starting to fail and I was developing health conditions related to my weight. I was referred to the Fife Weight Management Team to take classes, and given the possibility of future weight loss surgery. I’d been weighed at 28st 10.8lbs, and was willing to try it.

Some might ask how I got here and to be honest I didn’t realise I was there. I suffered with postnatal depression after the birth of my daughter in 2000 and son in 2005. Then in 2007 I lost my second son, who was stillborn. My anxiety and depression took over my life and eating was my release.

The classes were run by a dietitian and psychologist. I threw everything at it and attended all sessions. I also took up a commitment to walk every day to improve my chances at losing weight and improve my lungs for surgery. On 27 of April 2018 I had my surgery - on the day, I weighed 22st 10.3lbs.

Walking became my main form of exercise and slowly but steadily my weight began to drop. Then it was suggested that I attend the parkrun. I was defiant and said: “No I don’t run, I am not a runner!” However the seed was planted, and with the belief that person had in me, I decided to go and look online at local parkruns. After much soul searching I headed to Lochore one morning to see how long it would take me to complete the 5K route on my own.

59.42 minutes later I had finished. I did it again the next day in 59.28 mins and

again a few days later in 59.18, even managing to run for a few 15-20 second intervals. Eventually, I bit the bullet and attended my first parkrun. I couldn’t have been more nervous and had to fight my anxiety, but was determined to give it my best shot. I was unexpectedly joined by a friend’s husband who runs, which lifted my spirits and 56.38mins later I’d completed my first parkrun.

I felt exhausted, sore but amazing. All the volunteers and runners had made me feel welcome. I was hooked. The support and encouragement from everyone at parkrun - especially those who come back to run with me after completing their run - kept me going back week after week. I strived to improve my personal best and I “became a runner”.

The feeling I get from running is indescribable, I began watching YouTube for tips on how to improve my running and breathing, and my PB was slowly improving. My physical and mental health was improving every day. After speaking to a few people they recommended joining a running group to help me improve my times.

So again I took to the internet and found my local jogscotland group that met in Dunfermline. Again my anxiety got the better of me but after a few weeks I decided to email the group and went along to join for the first time at the beginning of March 2019. I was made to feel so welcome by the leaders and other runners. First night was hill running but I had a fabulous time. The encouragement and belief from everyone has allowed me to believe in myself.

If seven months ago you’d have told me I’d be running two or three times a week I would have laughed but I really could not imagine my life now without running. I am now 15st 13.5lbs, a weight loss of 12st 11.2lbs. Running has given me a whole new confidence and life. It just makes me realise we never know what we are capable of if we don’t try.