1 minute read


Ultra Vivid Revive Skin Refining Scrub


This guide will tell you effectively how to use Norvell exfoliator before applying tanning products in the summer:

1. TIMING: Exfoliate at least 24 hours before applying self-tanner. This allows your skin to recover from the exfoliation process and ensures a smooth surface for tanning product application.

2. SHOWER: Begin by taking a warm shower to open up your pores and soften the skin. This will enhance the exfoliation process and help remove dead skin cells more effectively.

3. DRY SKIN: Gently pat your skin dry with a towel after showering, leaving it slightly damp. Exfoliating on damp skin allows the product to spread evenly and prevents excessive absorption.

4. APPLICATION: Take a small amount of Norvell exfoliator and apply it to your skin using circular motions. Pay special attention to rough areas, such as elbows, knees, and ankles, as these tend to have more dead skin buildup.

5. GENTLE SCRUBBING: While exfoliating, be gentle with your scrubbing motions to avoid skin irritation or redness. Let the exfoliator do the work and avoid applying excessive pressure.

6. RINSE THOROUGHLY: Once you’ve finished exfoliating, rinse your skin thoroughly with warm water. Make sure to remove all traces of the exfoliator to prevent any interference with your tanning product later.

7. MOISTURIZE: After exfoliating, apply a light, oil-free moisturizer to hydrate your skin. This step is crucial as it helps maintain skin health and provides a smooth canvas for tanning.

8. WAIT FOR ABSORPTION: Allow the moisturizer to fully absorb into your skin before applying any tanning product. Waiting for a few minutes ensures that the tanning product adheres to your skin evenly. Keep in mind that exfoliating too frequently or aggressively can lead to skin sensitivity. It’s essential to find the right balance and listen to your skin’s needs.