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Annual Campaign

2019 Community Campaign Kickoff


The Soap Myth, a play featuring actor Ed Asner

Tues., April 30 | 7:30 pm | The Palladium (1 Center Green, Carmel) | Ticket price TBA

Did the Nazis really make soap from human flesh? Who deserves to write history: those who lived and remember it, those who study and protect the physical documentation of it, or those attempting to deny and distort it? How does one separate fact from fiction? These are the questions a journalist attempts to answer in The Soap Myth, a play starring actor Ed Asner, who played Lou Grant on The Mary Tyler Moore Show and narrated EVA, the recent documentary on Holocaust survivor Eva Kor.

Yom HaShoah (Holocaust Memorial Day), which marks the anniversary of the Warsaw ghetto uprising, is observed this year on May 2, so this is a timely performance. There will be a dessert reception after the show, during which attendees can meet and mingle with the cast. Learn more and purchase your tickets at jewishindianapolis.org/campaign-kickoff.

2018 Annual Campaign Report

Thanks to all who helped contribute to a successful 2018 Annual Campaign! Together, the community raised approximately $3.9 million. These vital funds will help the Jewish Federation, its agencies — the Jewish Community Center (JCC), Jewish Community Relations Council (JCRC), Jewish Family Services (JFS), and Hooverwood — and other community organizations to continue to provide needed programs and services to all facets of the community.

From the JCC’s Early Childhood Education program and the JCRC’s Student to Student sessions in local high schools to Popsie's Pantry at JFS and caring for seniors at Hooverwood, your gift impacts countless lives here at home, in Israel, and around the world. Thank you for your support!

The 2019 Annual Campaign officially kicks off at the end of April (see the The Soap Myth event listing above), but you don’t have to wait until then or the end of the year to make your gift; you can do it right now! Visit jewishindianapolis.org/donate or call the Jewish Federation at 317-726-5450.

Thanks to all who made a gift in 2018!

See pages 24-27 for a list of 2018 Annual Campaign donors.