2 minute read

The Big Book

of Dyslexia Activities for Kids and Teens

100+ Creative, Fun, Multi-sensory and Inclusive Ideas for Successful Learning

Gavin Reid, Nick Guise and Jennie Guise

Full of interesting and creative activities for children and young people aged 5-19 with dyslexia, this book is an essential guide for teachers and parents. Focusing on practical and accessible projects, the guide will cover key skills such as listening, memory, talking and writing.

‘With practical ideas for classroom educators and interventionists, The Big Book of Dyslexia Activities is filled with ready to implement ideas that stretch beyond basic activities into extensions, allowing easy differentiation for diverse learning needs. This book is a must-have resource for all teachers.’ Corey Zylstra, M. Ed., International OG/ MSL Teacher Trainer and Executive Director of REACH OG Learning Centres, Canada o ct 2018 | £24.99 | 320PP | PB | 22 P hoto S B&W |

ISBN-9781785923777 | R I ght S S ol D : t u R k IS h

Maths Learning Difficulties, Dyslexia and Dyscalculia

Second Edition

Steve Chinn

A guide for teachers and parents helping children with maths difficulties. It provides tried and tested visual strategies and tailored techniques that draw on the latest research and the author’s years of experience teaching children with maths learning difficulties. Covers early number experience, times tables, measurements, percentages and more.

o ct 2018 | £14.99 | 144PP | PB | ISBN-9781785925795

Understanding and Supporting Children with Literacy Difficulties

An Evidence-Based Guide for Practitioners

Dr Valerie Muter

Foreword by Maggie Snowling

This is the go-to book for psychologists, educationalists and other professionals wanting a deeper understanding of current thinking around dyslexia, reading comprehension difficulties, and related SpLDs.

Written by a lead thinker in the field, this is an essential evidence-based guide for those working with children with literacy difficulties and supporting them to achieve their full potential.

The Teacher’s Guide to Oppositional Defiant Disorder

Supporting and Engaging Students with Challenging or Disruptive Behaviour in the Classroom

Amelia Bowler

Foreword by Amanda Morin

This straightforward, effective guide to teaching pupils with oppositional defiant disorder offers tried-and-tested techniques for busy school staff to implement instantly. This interactive book offers exercises and worksheets to help you better understand your pupils, and make a real difference in the lives of your students with behavioural issues.

‘A critical book for teachers, paraprofessionals, principals, parents, therapists, and child psychiatrists alike. It’s clear, concise, and evidence-based. Vitally important, the section on cultural competence underscores the complexity and beauty of every child’s unique story and journey.’ Mark W. Wilson, MD, Child and Adult Psychiatrist A library.jkp.com

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Including the following products to help you boost your skills:

This resource provides step-by-step guidelines for building anger management and assertive emotional expression skills through tailored lessons, group activities and thought-provoking discussions.

The video training comprises of a series of five short videos explaining the neuroscience behind anger and outlining the practical skills adults can teach to children.

This series of webinars from our Connected by Autism series includes presentations on self-regulation, school avoidance, PDA, educational inclusion and more.


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Harry Thompson

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Pete Wharmby

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