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Sixth Form Team

JESS Curriculum First Days in Sixth Form

Dates and timings of the Sixth Form Induction Programme will be emailed to new parents as soon as they are finalised.

The Induction Programme, which usually runs for 3 days, will cover essential preparation for Sixth Form life as well as focusing on activities to promote an easy transition. It will provide the opportunity for students to meet other students in the year group and work together in new social groups.


Monday - Thursday 7.10am – 7.35am Friday 7.10am – 7.35am 7.40am

7.40am 3.20pm 12pm

Dress Code

In recognition of the Sixth Former’s growing maturity, their Dress Code is based upon business principles and aims to promote self-management and independence as well as imparting a more adult image. Additionally, we believe the dress code strikes a balance between some degree of individuality and the importance of setting an example to the younger members of the school community, parents, and visitors to the school.

We require students to cooperate with the school on the privilege of not having to wear a uniform. Failure to adhere to the Dress Code may incur sanctions, which could include: a verbal warning, an email to parents, a detention, removal from lessons or being sent home to get changed.

The Dress Code is based on the business principles of wearing a ‘suit’ to work. Therefore, our expectation is that students wear clothing that could be “part of a suit”. For boys, this means shirt, trousers, and shoes. For girls, it means blouse, skirt/trousers, or a dress. They should appear neat, tidy and formal at all times. Though jackets/blazers and ties are not mandatory they are perfectly acceptable should a student wish to wear them.

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