4 minute read


Time For a Recall


A radio personality coined a catchy paradoxical phrase years ago, “Did we come from scum or did we climb from slime?” Countless debates involving evolutionists, those who believe human beings originated from apelike ancestors versus creationists, believers in a God-designed world and everything in it, (Genesis 1) are both relying on a third contestant to prove their point-science!

Imagine an epic tug-of-war contest: On one end of the rope, we have Charles Darwin, the “Father of Evolution.” Flexing his muscles on the other side is Henry Morris, the “Father of Creationism”, and doing a balancing act on the red mark in the middle is none other than Galileo, the “Father of Science!” Darwinian evolution has had a hold on the minds of many. That is now changing. “No law of science could adequately explain the existence of morality,”cites Francis Collins, Geneticist, and former atheist.

Can science support evidence of creation? Bible scripture is loaded with a ton of facts. Here are three scientific facts many are unaware of: –Gravity/Astronomy: ”He spreads out the northern skies over empty space. He suspends the earth over nothing.”(Job 26:7) –DNA/Biology: “For the life of the flesh is in the blood.” Leviticus 17:11) –Water Cycle/Geology: “All streams run to the sea, but the sea is not full.

Where the streams flow, there they will flow again.” (Ecclesiastes 1:7)

Many high school and college science textbooks state the origin of life arose from atoms and molecules colliding into one another over millions of years. “How then did all these unthinking, inanimate chemicals produce life when today’s brilliant scientists cannot even build the most basic living cell?” quotes Peter Eddington, writer, Beyond Today.

There is only one answer to our existence and origin of life-God.

Not surprisingly, the growing number of critics to Darwin and evolution are not religious theologians, but credentialed scientists!

The time for a recall has arrived!

Local Lifestyles


Happy Thanksgiving, everyone. I am going to have a hard time eating turkey this year, after seeing an adorable internet video of the fowl giving a lady a big hug. Maybe I will write to President Biden and ask him to pardon that particular bird.

Although my husband and myself, former non-red meat eaters, are currently flexitarians, I have always loved animals. We never eat foie gras, lamb, or veal. I check every can to make sure tuna is dolphin safe, and we only use cruelty free cosmetics.

Last year’s Thanksgiving was at a pescatarian friend’s house, and this year we are having a traditional meal at another friend’s new condo. We are providing a side dish and dessert. The sweet part is easy, who doesn’t love pie and wine. I need to come up with a vegetable side dish to showcase my culinary prowess. Pumpkin spice spam is not an option. A corn souffle recipe from the nineties, green bean casserole, or canned cranberry sauce cut into circles and arranged on a platter with orange slices just will not do.

I immediately sought advice from my favorite cooking channel. Pumpkin puree, pea puree, persimmon puree, parsnip puree, kale puree - these aren’t side dishes, they’re baby food. I decided to break out one of my beloved vintage cookbooks. Celery gelatin mold with julienne carrots, oh my.

I am offering up a prayer of thanksgiving that they no longer make celery flavored Jello. Tomato aspic, it’s getting worse. I hope my friends like a nice arugula salad with vinaigrette or spinach souffle. I must confess, I am thankful for a plate of dressing, that would do me just fine, not cornbread, sausage, or chestnut laden, just love me some good old fashioned made with bread, onions, celery, and a hint of sage, cause stuffing never goes out of style…

This column is dedicated in loving memory to Bill and Elaine Cyplick

Ms. Hessel is a member of the National Society of Newspaper Columnists



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