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Switch to e-vehicles cuts East Herts Council’s carbon footprint

East Herts District Council’s vehicle fleet has gone green with the replacement of all its diesel vans with a fleet of e-vehicles. The switch to the Nissan Leaf e-cars will reduce the council’s carbon footprint by nine tonnes of CO2 each year and cut leasing costs.

The fleet consists of five Nissan Leaf e-vehicles which will be used across East Herts by council officers involved in services such as fly tipping enforcement, parks inspections and leisure initiatives.

Councillor Graham McAndrew said: ‘The move from diesel to electric vehicles is good news for the environment and part of our on-going drive to be a net zero carbon council by 2030. It is also an effective use of financial resources at a time when budgets are under significant pressure.’

The vehicles are manufactured in the UK in Sunderland, Tyne and Wear and will be leased for five years from Sinclair Financing and Leasing, having been procured through The Procurement Partnership’s PCR compliant contract hire Framework Agreement.

Thomas Jenkins, head of business at Sinclair Finance & Leasing commented: ‘We are delighted to have won the opportunity to assist East Herts District Council in meeting their carbon reduction targets. To be given the chance to illustrate our flexibility at short notice is an important feature of our normal services, and we are happy to be associated with both East Herts Council and The Procurement Partnership.’

James Brennan, Managing Director of The Procurement Partnership said: ‘We are delighted to help East Herts District Council with their acquisition of zero emission vehicles which will assist them in their drive towards carbon neutrality. At a time when vehicle supply is in high demand, we used our vast network of suppliers to source the vehicles competitively within a short lead time.’