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TerraBella Group

The developer of TerraBella Village, the Terra Bella Group, is instrumental in handling many of the behind-the-scenes aspects of the TerraBella community. To truly understand the role of the Terra Bella Group, it is important to go back in time: figuratively and literally.

Before the inception of the Traditional Neighborhood Development (“TND”), the Terra Bella Group was formed to plan and develop the unique neighborhood. The TerraBella Village concept incorporates the principles of New Urbanism. It is a nod to days when people’s lives were rooted in their community, and the village center was the heart of the neighborhood. It was a time when there were sidewalks, neighbors visited neighbors on front porches, children played together in community parks, and almost everything a person would need was within walking distance to their home. Creating a model such as this in modern times while adhering to those principles was and is the objective of the Terra Bella Group.

This success of the community is apparent when one looks at the neighborhood’s operations and development. From creating the lots and managing sales and marketing to coordinating design and materials with architects and builders, the Terra Bella Group is responsible for the day-to-day operations that contribute to the overall success and livability of the neighborhood. They ensure smooth effectiveness in the neighborhood’s infrastructure, amenities, and services within the community while preserving the deeply rooted origins of a village community.

Maintaining the integrity of TerraBella Village also falls on the Terra Bella Group. As such, to build a home in the development, the Terra Bella Group office would be your first stop. A Terra Bella Group Representative assists clients in choosing a property and an architect and provides contractors from an approved list. Specific guidelines must be met to maintain the charm and originality of the development, including the materials used for the project and the building professionals involved in the project. Seamus Loman, Developer Representative, explains it pretty simply when he says, “We are committed to honoring the vision.” Regardless of what might be more accessible, trendy, or even less expensive, the success of TerraBella Village lies in preserving the old-fashioned village community concept in every way.

The Terra Bella Group also partners with the Terra Bella Institute. The Institute, a non-profit organization located in the village, was created to support the arts and nature within the community. They host the annual calendar of events, including Friday Nites on the Square, Classics on the Boulevard, and Christmas at TerraBella. The Terra Bella Institute demonstrates its commitment to nurturing a thriving community as it celebrates its mission of art and nature, synonymous with TerraBella Village.

Through their expertise and supervision in approving builders, governing materials, designs, and all aspects of infrastructure, the Terra Bella Group has ensured that every part of the Traditional Neighborhood Development aligns with the vision of a vibrant community. About what lies ahead, Seamus Loman notes, “We’re very excited to deliver a project on the Northshore that has already received many accolades and will be a destination for years to come.”

The Terra Bella Group’s instrumental role in TerraBella Village is an invaluable contribution to shaping the fabric of the community in every aspect. Their commitment to “honor the vision” is commendable as they continue to build a better future for residents to enjoy for generations to come.

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