7 minute read

SPOTLIGHT ON Didier Gusching



The French Didier Gusching is an international chef who is the pioneer of the bio garden concept in the United Arab Emirates. He grasped the opportunity and established the innovative approach, called “Green cuisine or Cuisine with a Conscience.”

“It is easy to grab a phone and call for food orders and deliveries but by going out to the market, finding local sources, local products, the benefits are endless. We are developing what we call “ food from farm to table’ and the one I made “ Green Cuisine or Cuisine with a Conscience”!!,” Gusching tells in this exclusive interview with TRAILBLAZING MAGAZINE.

He elaborates on the benefits and the advantages of bio garden for hotels and sustainability in general. “The benefit of being sustainable will lead to new businesses and this will keep our guests keen on that and looking more and more in that direction. It will also increase guests’ satisfaction as well as shareholders profits by reducing food and its costs,” the seasoned chef said.

Three decades later, Gusching realized his whole project on bio garden in his home. “Now , since we have found our place, here in a Green Ardeche, in Burzet , our charming village , which is located in the heart of the “Géo Park - Parc Regional des Monts d Ardèche - “ https://lnkd. in/d5BZdrz is a high recognition , UNESCO labeled due to its preservation, geology and sustainability.”

Moreover, he added, “Our village is also labeled “ Station Verte” – Green Label - for its quality of life in a preserved & natural environment.”

Full interview below:

What sparked your road trip towards organic farming?

Since our childhood, it has always been part of our family to grow crops. We were not talking about organic at that time, “just growing “ the natural way without chemical fertilizers and following the season and the moon cycle.

Once in Dubai, we could not find herbs or simple tomatoes with real taste or we were heavily depending on overseas deliveries – that’s how it started.

Since we had at that time - Jebel Ali Golf Resort & Spa - a huge, some untouched or /and unused land, I spoke with my GM at that time, Mr Mark Bettsworth (RIP) about it one day. He was wondering what to do to with this land at the

entrance of the resort and near by the staff accommodation.

“ What we could do there to hide a bit those staff buildings and enhance the entrance? he said.

My answer was straight forward and opportunity to do what I always wanted to introduced. “Give it to me to create our own Bio Garden” Sir!. There was none at that time in Dubai or UAE at least as Hotel ground. I had to convince him, made plans, showing him around. A few days after, as I was explaining why and how, when I saw his eyes sparkling, I knew the land would be “mine.” He gave me some part of the land to start with herbs and cherry tomatoes; works started. We had to remove some sandy soil and replace it with another type of soil from Al Ain - which could retain water and moist (sandy soil is “round shaped “ and water will not be retained due to that. We made the changes. Works were not easy at the beginning but results talked!

Can you tell to our readers how the bio garden idea work?

From an initial “herbs garden “ with a few parches - its first name- “Bio Garden” with more than 5000 square meters. We were self-sufficient for 2 outlets and herbs / cherry to tomatoes for the whole hotel (600 rooms / 17 outlets / huge outside catering.) We were recycling our green waste from kitchen - peels etc - into composting - so we reduced our impact on trash and plastic bags as well considerably. We were selling our used oils to some guys who turned them into bio diesel for their vehicles - the cash received from it, used to cover the salary of one gardener and maintenance of the garden. Especially in Dubai in the summer days, we were recycling the water from golf irrigations and turned them into water to irrigate our garden and cut expenses.

In certain regions in Albania, there are many areas suitable for homesteading, small scale and organic farming. What would be your messages for the Albanian farmers to encourage them into organic farming and be more competitive?

Message is clear: reduce carbon food print; use local resources; promote your vicinities; work hand by hand with your farmers; use the season products; cut on your costs.

Food will taste real, even though you will need to educate some people on it. You will be surprised to see how many people have no clue of real food those days.

By working hard by hands, close with your sources, you will also develop social activities and you will enjoy fresh air! It is easy to grab a phone and call for food orders and deliveries but by going out to the market, finding local sources, local products, the benefits are endless. We are developing what we call “ food from farm to table’ and the one I made “ Green Cuisine or Cuisine with a Conscience”!!

In your view, what are the benefits of HOTEL organic farming today? Can it lead to business sustainability?

Answer is above. Plus, the benefit of being sustainable will lead to new businesses and this will keep our guests keen on that and looking more and more in that direction. It will also increase guests’ satisfaction as well as shareholders profits by reducing food and its costs.

What changes have you seen in the last decade in organic farming and how do you deem its future?

Future is here already. We see the trends, fashion and Chefs from all over the world in that direction. I am glad and proud to say, that from what we did at the initial stage, showed we were in right direction and well ahead the trends.

I was the first UAE Executive Chef and UAE pioneer to launch such green initiative and I am grateful to my GM at that time as well as the owners who was very supportive.

Last but not least…

I was planning to develop an eco-tourism with sort of cooking school in a near future. – I had this in my mind since many years. The actual situation is boosting the opportunity to do it faster as travels abroad will be reduced considerably - I believe - so local tourism will grow.

Now , since we have found our place, here in a Green Ardeche, in Burzet , our charming village , which is located in the heart of the “Géo Park - Parc Regional des Monts d Ardèche - “ https://lnkd. in/d5BZdrz is a high recognition , UNESCO labeled due to its preservation, geology and sustainability. Our village is also labeled “ Station Verte” – Green Label - for its quality of life in a preserved & natural environment.

If you live or travel to France for holidays, and want to visit one of the most stunning places for nature lovers, in a preserved and protected Parc, the Parc Regional Naturel des Monts d Ardeche - France ...here we are!

Pleased to say we are open for business with our first self-catering cottage.

Welcome to a 17th century solid stone house, entirely renovated, close to a fantastic crystal-clear river, natural pools, in a private domaine, and listed with the most famous, most serious professional organization in France, “Gites de France.”

The demand is high and summer is almost fully booked already. Bookings have started already and first guests’ comments are tremendous

Follow the link below for all details ... https://www.gites-defrance.com/en/auvergnerhone-alpes/ardeche/ domaine-de-perverangeles-airelles-07g45705 A dedicated Facebook has been also created – Carpe Diem in Ardeche- and will give you better ideas on our area and surroundings https://www.facebook. com/Carpe-Diem-inArdeche--103480201382652

About Bio Garden here?

In our land, here in Ardeche, we have created a new “Bio Garden,”, using all local and natural resources, even watering for the garden is coming from natural spring! And we are in the process of developing new cooking place ‘Atelier D” by fresh picking from our “Bio-Garden” what mother nature has on offer. Even eggs from our hens. And this for our guests at our further Gite at a later stage – all products will be local and seasonal. The region is rich on offerings!

We have “Green Cuisine or Cuisine with a Conscience “ food which should taste the way it should - simple, local & seasonal, from soil to the plate!