1 minute read



Cavernous, imposing and grandiose structures can be seen throughout Edinurgh. Neo-Gothic Churches attempted to revitalise a waning church presence in Victorian life through sparking awe through their architecture.


The cartoonist Scott McCloud theorises that the stripping down of distinguising elements can create a sense of universality. Simplifying the Neo-Gothic Church typology to an expressed central form with set-back flanks retains its sense of civic openness and hints to a programme of assembly without the religious symbolism


The site is enclosed on three of its planes and surrounding building heights average at 24m tall, with the building to the south reaching 32m. Combined with low northern sun angles, this means that for much of the year the site’s floor area remains shaded.

A top lit approach using ambient and reflected light is needed to maximise natural lighting to the enclosed portions of the site. Stepping the building away from its Northern and Southern planes at each level creates openings to better make use of low angle sun and top lights.

The natural light which does make it into the scheme should be celebrated and made the focal point of the space, similarly to church windows. This creates a node from which the rest of the building can be navigated around


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