1 minute read


The most negative bar or restaurant experience you are likely to have will be dealing with a drunk patron, a bad drink, or a case of Delhi belly or Montezuma’s revenge. Nevertheless, bars and restaurants can end up becoming high-risk areas.

The buddy system is important in bars and restaurants. Make sure you have a wing mate, if possible. This person can offer an extra set of eyes and ears and help provide accountability to prevent making bad decisions.

Purse snatchers and briefcase thieves are known to work hotel bars and restaurants. They wait for unknowing guests to drape these items on chairs or under tables, only to discover them missing when ready to depart. Keep items in view or "in touch." Likewise, restrooms are frequent locations for grab-andrun thefts.

Be aware of distractions and decoys. If someone unknown to you starts talking with you, check out who else is with the person. That person may have a friend trying to steal your purse, wallet, etc. If someone bumps into you, check your wallet or purse right away. Distractions (spilled drink or food, someone asking for help, asking you to take a photo) are common techniques used by petty criminals.

Don’t let anyone buy you a drink unless you can watch the bartender pour it. Don’t let that person go to the bar to get it for you. And don’t leave your drink alone. Carry it with you even if you go to dance or to the bathroom. If you set it down, even

Real World Situation

In 2017, a recent American college graduate was beaten to death after getting into a bar fight on a Greek island. Alcohol, a late-night bar, and an argument over a woman combined to create a hostile environment that led to 10 to 15 men beating the American to death in under a minute.

momentarily, get a fresh drink. No one is immune to “knock-out” drugs being placed in a drink.

Don’t drink too much. See “The Rule of the Stupids.”