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Wellbeing: Mr X

20 Wellbeing: Mr X

Mr X saw a Taff Ely wellbeing coordinator in his local Jobcentre. He had initially been referred as he was caring for his wife, who had multiple physical health issues. Jobcentre staff felt that Mr X was isolated and could benefit from support with his mental health.


During the consultation, Mr X disclosed that he was the victim of childhood sexual abuse. He had only ever told this to two people, with the other being his wife. Also, he had suffered numerous family bereavements in the last five years and felt that he hadn’t grieved properly, which was affecting him. He wanted to find some local support and social groups to help with this.

The wellbeing coordinator referred Mr X to Rowan Tree Cancer Care in Mountain Ash, who offer 12 weeks of free bereavement counselling. Mr X had never been able to access free counselling previously and was really keen to try it. Also the coordinator referred Mr X to the RCT Carer’s Support Project, which means he can access local support groups and trips whenever he needs a break from caring responsibilities. Finally, the coordinator signposted Mr X and his wife to local sight loss support groups and helplines. This was because Mrs X was gradually losing her sight, and they were both struggling with this change.

Two months after initially seeing the wellbeing coordinator, Mr X fed back,

“I wanted you to know how important you are in how I’m feeling now…I feel I have grieved now and I’m much more in control of my feelings. I can think of my brother with a smile on my face now. I could not have been in safer hands the minute I walked into your office. It’s restored my faith in people and I’ve been telling everyone about the service.”

“My attitude to life is different now, I’m on top of the hole rather than at the bottom. I will be forever grateful and if there’s one person in my life I will remember who has helped me, it will be you”.