1 minute read

Message from the CEO

Dear Interfaith Supporters, Spring is a time of renewal and recommitment, and as you’ll read in the pages that follow, through Interfaith you are a part of a movement that helps others and improves our community. And that includes both the families we together assist as well as your family who benefits from giving time, dedicating expertise, and demonstrating compassion in your service to others.

The mission of Interfaith Community Services is to empower people in need to stabilize and improve their lives through comprehensive programs, in partnership with diverse faith communities and people of compassion.

Building on more than 40 years of empowering homeless and low-income community members, Interfaith has become the most comprehensive social services agency in North County, providing both immediate safety net services and long-term, lifechanging services for the most poor and vulnerable residents.

Greg Anglea Chief Executive Officer Cohn Family CEO Chair Interfaith Community Services

As you read this newsletter, I invite you to consider your own commitment and your own impact through Interfaith. If you’ve never volunteered or if you haven’t done so recently, now is a great time to commit your time to helping others. If you’re fortunate enough to be in a position to give financially, our new Family Shelter urgently needs support, and all gifts to any of our programs (“Give Where You Live!”) will be matched 100% through the end of June. You can help even more by sharing this newsletter and sharing the amazing outcomes of your generosity with others. The more people who are involved with Interfaith Community Services, the more people we can together help in our local community. The needs are great, but our ability to meet those needs is greater, thanks to your support.

Thank you for being a part of making this world a better place, one life and one family at a time!

Greg Anglea

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