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Palatine Primary School SPIES on a Mission!

Members of SPIES (Special Palatine Investigation and Enquiry Service) were tasked with a special mission in January, to find out about the new build extension that is nearing its completion. For the mission, SPIES brought along a few friends and once safety had been addressed, with the help from Site Manager Charlie and SAPS (Palatine’s safeguarding puppet), the pupils and staff donned hard hats and hi-visibility jackets ready for a tour of the building site. The SPIES worked hard, asking many questions about what they saw.

Palatine Primary School is a West Sussex County Council maintained special school in Goring/Durrington, for pupils aged 4-11 with moderate, severe or profound learning needs. All pupils have an Education Health Care Plan (EHCP). There are almost 200 pupils on role who are taught in groups most appropriate to their individual learning and social needs. The new build extension is a welcome addition to our current provision, comprising of four classrooms, with shared group rooms and hygiene rooms, a kitchen space for food preparation and a beautiful outside space to support both a learning environment and a space for relaxation and recreation. Social stories have helped the children to understand the changes that have been taking place around them.

At Palatine Primary School, our children are the heart of everything. Our shared values underpin everything that we do. Our expertise is in maximising independence and choice, developing effective communication and preparing our pupils for their next steps.

To give Palatine Primary School pupils the very best opportunities and help them grow into the amazing young people we know they are, our school needs to raise considerable funds each year. These funds help to pay for equipment, facilities, events and trips, including the year 6 residential. Your support means everything to us and it transforms the lives of children with learning difficulties and disabilities attending their local special school. Donating gifts in kind to Palatine Primary School can help our school to save money, so that we can direct funds to where they’re most urgently needed. A recent legacy ensured a brighter future for pupils with a playground re-vamp. It couldn’t be simpler to donate. Your gift – however large or small – will make a huge different to the children at our school. Please see our website https:// palatineschool.org/fundraising/ for more details on how to donate. Thank you so much for your support.