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On Thursday 16th February West Sussex first Climate Resilience Centre Worthing, or CREW for short, officially opened to the public. CREW is part of an interconnected network of climate emergency centres across the UK.

Amberlouise Everitt, a CREW CoFounder, said “we would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who made CREW'S Grand Opening a success! We are now officially open!” Sean Hellett fellow Co-Founder went on to say “We are so grateful to all our wonderful volunteers who gave their time and worked hard to get the Launch Day organised, also for our volunteers’ continued hard work”

Worthing Mayor, Councillor Henna Chowdhury cut the ribbon and made a moving speech, having recently returned from Bangladesh, one of the planet's most vulnerable countries to climate change. Many were in attendance, including Councillor Helen Silman, Cabinet Member for Climate Emergency.

We heard speeches from Amberlouise, who reminded everyone of the important reasons behind the climate resilience center. Sean described the journey to registering the charity and opening the centre.

Tobias Chaffer, Ambassador for Fingerprints not Footprints at Oscar Romero School gave a powerful speech. He told us why the climate issues were so important to him. CREW recently gave a talk at Oscar Romero School and the Fingerprints not Footprints group are planning a youth space at the centre, with activities for local young people.

As a community hub, CREW provides information, support and solutions to help build resilience in a climate emergency through local community group talks, workshops, events and information. You can visit us at 8/9 South Street in Worthing town centre or see our events page here:

Quote from Amberlouise; “What we do in the next 2-3 years to stop burning fossil fuels, stop deforestation, change transport systems, reduce meat and dairy consumption and stop consuming so much will determine whether we have a habitable planet or not. Climate change is already happening and accelerating due to human activity. The UK will not escape climate change, with our winters projected to become warmer and wetter, and summers hotter and drier with increasing likelihood and severity of heatwaves. Global food shortages will occur due to crop failure and 1.2 billion displaced people are expected by 2050.”

If you would like to support our work you can donate to our Crowdfunder using the QR code here, or search for 'Climate Resilience Centre Worthing' on www. crowdfunder.co.uk

Further information:

CREW will provide space and infrastructure needed to connect people, gather resources and take action to create a better future for ourselves and our children. One of 40 centres across the UK working to improve mitigation and adaptation to the Climate and Ecological Emergency. Acting in alliance with several local groups, we aim to deliver events, information and workshops on Climate Justice, Insulation 4 Homes, Energy Bill Advice, Rewilding, Listening Circles, Climate Information, “Repair, Recycle, Reuse”, People not Profits, Wellbeing, Green Travel, Building Community, Stories for a Better Future and Gardening with Nature.

CREW's work will help to support Sustainable Adur & Worthing to improve their record by building community engagement and communication with regards to the climate emergency. The members wanted to see easily accessed sources of information and places of excellence where learning about key sustainability issues can take place. We provide the space, resources, volunteers and commitment to address this most serious of issues. CREW will also be offering support and advice by trained volunteers on energy saving and accessing grants.

Reduce Your Carbon Footprint - Exploring the Sustainable Worthing Map

Find out how you can reduce your carbon footprint and support the environment, this FREE 2 hour workshop can point you in the right direction.

Sat, 1 April 2023, 13:00 – 15:30


CREW - Climate Resilience Centre Worthing

8/9 South Street South Street

Worthing BN11 3AL

Transition Town Worthing (TTW) have created an online map to enable the community to find out what is going on locally and where, regarding living more sustainably.

If you’d like to find out how you can easily reduce your carbon footprint and support the environment, this 2 hour workshop can point you in the right direction.

Demo given but you might like to bring your laptop or tablet to access the map on your own device.

To book visit: https://worthingcrew.co.uk/ or www.eventbrite.co.uk/o/crew-climate-resiliencecentre-worthing-58062209193