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Events for August

Events for August

SleepOut for Homelessness –

30th September 2023

Could you give up your bed for one night to help raise funds for those that don’t have one?

Conserving the beauty and present character of Ilex Avenue, the trees in Sea Lane and Goring Gap

We are pleased to announce that our speaker at this year’s AGM (Commencing at 7�30pm on Tuesday September 19th at Bury Drive Church Hall, Goring) will be Huw Morgan, Community Action Officer of the Sussex Wildlife Trust, who will talk about the history/work of the Trust�


We are delighted with the High Court verdict announced this July that, following the Council’s initial refusal to allow 475 properties on Chatsmore Farm (part of the Goring Gap) and previous inquiries and appeals, both in favour and against, the three High Court judges unanimously rejected Persimmon’s case� This means that at present the rejection of their planning application still stands�

The High Court noted that the Planning Inspector had failed to take account of policies in the Council’s emerging Local Plan or, we believe to be the main point, give enough weight to the adverse impact on the South Downs National Park� We understand that due to the Inspector’s error, the application is likely to be reviewed by a different Inspector and the Leader of the Conservatives on the Council is calling on the Secretary of State to call-in Persimmon’s application for determination�

The Turning Tides SleepOut has become a highlight of West Sussex’s fundraising calendar in the last few years� Organised by the local homelessness charity, the event challenges you to swap your bed for a sleeping bag for one night�

Amberley Drive at the sports field at 10am� The next session is on Saturday 9th September�

Although the challenge cannot replicate what people sleeping rough face every day, the SleepOut aims to raise awareness of homelessness in your community� As well as raise vital funds for Turning Tides’ awardwinning services�

Since the initial planning application, the Worthing Local Plan was formally adopted by the Council on 28th March this year after being found sound and including protection for the Gap� The previously mandatory housing targets are now largely advisory and we have seen increased action from nearby Arun in refusing planning applications that threaten their part of the gaps between settlements� All of these, together with this judgement, will hopefully retain the Gaps as they are although, as the land is owned by Persimmon, we would not be surprised to see a radically different application sometime in the future�

And for Sleepout 2023 there’s a brand-new venue –Worthing Fire Station!

New volunteers are always welcome, and there are tasks to suit all abilities� Whilst gloves, and all equipment, are provided, we appreciate that many individuals prefer to bring their own gloves (and even prefer to use their own secateurs) which is absolutely fine� We do however request that you wear suitable clothing (shorts are not recommended) and footwear� We normally take a short break at 11am for refreshments� We provide coffee, tea, biscuits, and very often home-made cake (provided by our regular volunteers)�

Whether it’s just you, a group of friends, club, or company colleagues, you are invited to join the Turning Tides SleepOut this year� Sign up today for a sleep powerful enough to change the course of a homeless person’s life� Franc became homeless after financial problems, health issues and a rogue landlord all came to a head� After sleeping rough for many months, Franc was introduced to Turning Tides who supported him on his pathway out of homelessness� Franc said: “Turning Tides was my lifeline� They didn’t just give me a roof over my head; they helped me to rebuild myself, my dignity, and my life�”

The Plantation

We continue to address the ever-growing brambles, concentrating our efforts in keeping these away from the pathways and the young trees� We also cut down Sycamore saplings; cut back the Sycamore spurs; and litter collection�

Further information can be found on the notice board at the Plantation, and on our website�

Book your place now and begin fundraising today! To find out more, please contact the team at fundraising@turning-tides.org.uk www.turning-tides.org.uk/sleepout 01903 680740

Our two-hour sessions are usually held on the second Saturday of each month, meeting off

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