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Book review of Innovations in healthcare management

A “Shingo Publication Award” Winner 2018, the book “Innovations in Healthcare Management” by Dr V K Singh and Paul Lilrank brings together various aspects of healthcare management innovations and the journey which the organizations have followed to streamline the delivery of healthcare while facing quirky challenges. The following text brings forth the review of the book.



This thoughtful and engaging book which involves 34 contributors is a resourceful compilation of 22 chapters which cover a wide range of topics. Majority of the chapters provide a snapshot of approaches taken to improve healthcare management but do not delve into the roadmap for implementation. Thus, the book would be a good companion guide to stoke innovative thinking for those involved with a healthcare system. Innovations in Healthcare Management cover a wide range of topics that can be used to create a Lean transformation roadmap. Not only does the book cover the systemic burning platforms shared by various healthcare organizations (i.e. improve quality, reduce cost, improve patient satisfaction), but the book puts a high value on healthcare improvement from the end-user perspective. Additionally, the book identifies opportunities that impact communities, supply chain, and stakeholders. This publication adds to the existing body of knowledge by providing not only tools and techniques for transforming an organization, but also includes real-world examples of Lean transformation within healthcare organizations such as Tan Tock Seng Hospital in Singapore, Stanford Health Care, and the Mayo Clinic. Also, there are examples of Lean tools such as A3, Just in Time, and Quantitative versus Qualitative impact analysis. The book provides a comprehensive approach to Lean transformation within diverse healthcare environments. The insights and real examples provided benefit the reader regardless of lean knowledge or level of experience.


The demonstrated impact for Innovations in Healthcare Management on the body of knowledge is difficult to ascertain. The market is flooded with a large number of books with the subjected topic. However, it can be inferred there is a demand and there has been sufficient impact to justify a second printing with a special Indian addition. The book has been prescribed in Indian Institutes of Managements (IIMs); prestigious institutes established by the Government of India. There are 12 endorsements from a very impressive list of healthcare experts from the United Kingdom, United Arab Emirates, India, United States, Tanzania, Brunei, South Africa, Sweden, and the Cayman Islands. This indicates the level of impact the book has made.


The premise of the book is quite simple: “A lot can be done with a little. It is reducing healthcare delivery cost yet maintaining quality through technology, innovation, and various quality models like Lean and others.” The authors’ statement that “trying to do more with more ends up accomplishing less with more” is the reason for any organization to embrace becoming Lean. The examples in this book describe the successful actions taken in patient treatment goals of better healthcare in less patient time. The authors have done a great job of compiling a wealth of knowledge from across the globe to demonstrate how innovation, technology, and Lean principles can transform the delivery of quality healthcare and reduce costs. Healthcare is a troubled industry globally. There are new approaches in this book we can all learn from. At the same time, what is needed in America may not be the same as what can be implemented in India with over 500 million people and incredible levels of poverty. In its essence, the book focuses on a country with lesser developed infrastructure, and therefore, the problems encountered are not unique to India, but also not universal.


The presentation and style of writing the articles flows together quite well and contribute effectively to the authors’ objectives. The stories and examples provided throughout the book offer compelling ideas for understanding how to positively impact the delivery of healthcare from Britain, United States, Singapore, and India. The book contains many simple illustrations and is grounded with facts and visual examples. All of the articles are well referenced. The summary at the end of each chapter provides a linkage back to the overall premise. The book is an easy read and effective at getting the reader to understand the concepts.


Examiners agreed that there are many takeaways in the publication. The authors successfully support the premise that more can be done with less. They prove that people can be very creative and innovative when faced with a meaningful challenge that can be embraced. They also effectively show the importance of relationship management between the patient, medical staff, and ancillary stakeholders and dispel the concept that patient care only occurs between the hospital and the patient. Additionally, not all the important healthcare innovations have come from the USA, as India is becoming a leading innovator in healthcare, and others can learn from them.