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Our Spiritual Winter Evolution

by Cynthia White Flower

“To every thing there is a season…’” so Ecclesiastes 3 in The Holy Bible tells us. Nature provides seasons to help us to evolve spiritually to fulfill our ultimate reason for living- to consciously return to God. We are here to realize that God is within us. We are here to discover that, as we look into the eyes of an individual, we are simultaneously looking into the eyes of God. Further, we are here to learn that we are the “God’s” of our destiny – the creators. Ultimately, as our realization evolves, we find that we are not separate from one another, but we are all One. All that we think, say and do affects the whole world, like a ripple in a pond, but the pond is infinite and the ripple keeps going. The seasons provide examples of where we are in the cycle of God realization and what to focus upon next. They show us what practices are supported by this special time of the year.


In the winter, the cold encourages us to go within. Meditation is suggested. The great Yogi, Paramahansa Yogananda tells us that, “You will never find joy to equal that which comes when the thoughts are silent and your mind is tuned to the peace of God.” The weather that forces us indoors supports our introspection and solitude. We can meditate on a mantra to take us higher. Sit quietly. Take a deep breath and focus your sight in between your eyes. Say a mantra that will support the moment steering you away from wandering thoughts and taking you into a higher sense of awareness. Let’s say “Ohm Shanti Ohm” (pronounced “Aum shaun tee Aum.” Say it over and over. Feel the great peace over take you. “Ohm Shanti Ohm, ohm shanti ohm, ohm shanti ohm.”

The “Om” is reputed to be the absolute first sacred sound heard at the creation of the universe. Sanskrit, the language of this mantra, is said to have been formed from the noises emanating from the objects and from the

universe. According to ancient scriptures- it is through sound that all was created. “Ohm” when said correctly, reverberates from your pelvis to your head, unlocking the throat chakra, the energy center in the neck, connecting the divine (your head and crown chakra) with matter (the body) for better communication with self, spirit, others, the Divine. According to the World Pranic Healing Foundation, “The mantra “Ohm” purifies our mind and soul and takes our incarnated soul closer to our higher soul.” “Ohm Shanti Ohm, ohm shanti ohm, ohm shanti ohm.”

“Shanti” is the Sanskrit word for peace, rest, calm, bliss and tranquility. According to the World Pranic Healing Foundation:

“The first “Shanti” will free us from physical burdens. It filters negative thoughts related to our etheric body like disabilities, diseases and illnesses. The second “Shanti” cleanses our mind and soul. We can shed negative thoughts like jealousy, hatred, anger, worries from our mind. This takes us a step close to our higher soul. The third “Shanti” is meant to protect us from accidents and natural calamities. The mantra can give us peace and free us from stress, particularly when we are feeling depressed, frustrated, angry and all other sorts of negative emotions. This will create a field of calmness around us and help us to meditate properly.” “Ohm Shanti Ohm, ohm shanti ohm, ohm shanti ohm.”

The season speaks to us through the days that are shorter, darker. Nature tells us to rest- to go to bed earlier. Being rested improves our memory, inspires creativity and helps our body to heal. When we feel good, we react to life from a positive state of well-being.

Since there is less light, we are shown that more light is needed in our lives. While we are sleeping, we can go to the Ascended Master’s Retreats to become more enlightened. From the Summit Lighthouse: “Arch Angel Michael, please come and take me safely to and from the Ascension Temple in Luxor Egypt to study with Serapis Bey.”

The season of winter is a great time to read. The book, The Masters And Their Retreats by Mark L. Prophet Elizabeth Clare Prophet is filled with different Ascended Master retreats where you can study and become more enlightened as you rest.

“Love is the energizing elixir of the Universe, the cause and effect of all harmony,” so Rumi reminds us. When we feel loved, we feel secure. When we love, we step outside of ourselves to become selfless, and true. As we allow ourselves to love, making the choice to see that there are reasons behind all behaviors, we grow the compassion of the Christos, the Christed One, love personified.

Yogi Yogananda says “The first proof of God’s presence is an ineffable peace. This evolves into joy humanly inconceivable. Once you have touched the Source of truth and life, all nature will respond to you.” The Omar Khayyan reminds us to “Be happy for this moment. This moment is your life.” In the Winter solitude, may peace prevail in our hearts creating harmony and joy as we welcome the New Year!

References: http://yogananda.com.au/gurus/yoganandaquotes03b. html


https://www.azquotes.com/quote/157650 https://www.summitlighthouse.org/

About the Author: Cynthia McNabb, BS, M.S., (aka, Cynthia, White Flower) is an author, teacher, counselor and an ordained spiritual minister. The late James McNabb is her beloved and is with her in spirit as she carries on her journey.

Please contact Cynthia for an appointment, email:cynthialynnmcnabb@yahoo.com or phone/ text 734-904-0075