2 minute read

Wyatt lancaster

4-H was a massive part of my life over the ten years I was part of the program and it helped shape me into the person I am today. 4-H taught me who I am through many different activities, whether learning how to be a good leader through Jr. Leaders and Jr. Fair Board or learning how to be a good friend by helping others when needed. Or even learning that waiting till the night before project drop-off to do your project isn’t necessarily the best idea. 4-H helped to shape me into the caring and hardworking man I am today.

Looking back at my first years in 4-H, I was a little nervous to be doing something new, but I was definitely excited to try it; fast-forward a few years and 4-H had become the most significant part of my childhood. Whether going to multiple club meetings every month, doing 30 projects a year or showing animals at the fair with all my friends. Some of my fondest memories happened during a 4-H event.

much more that goes even outside of the meetings. I obtained invaluable leadership, communication and social skills from being in these clubs, and they have proved to be skills that I use today and will continue to use in the future. Then, of course, there are the skills and lessons you learn from working on your projects and show animals throughout the year. I learned to always work hard, be committed and determined, to stay positive and most importantly, to be honest and never give up when things don’t go the way you thought they would or the way you think they should. The amount of things there are to learn in 4-H is truly amazing and one of the reasons I am so thankful that I was able to be involved with them for ten years. 4-H is something that will always be a part of who I am. It has shaped my past and my future by directing me to the path I am on today.

Even now, taking a look at my present life, I still use skills I learned from 4-H, whether it be leading a group project for my software development class, being a good friend to those I care about or not waiting to complete my assignments a few hours before the deadline. 4-H is still a big part of my life.

Taking a look into the future, all the life lessons and skills I learned through 4-H will continue to help me throughout my life, and I can gladly say that my journey with 4-H is over, as I hope to volunteer when I am needed.

4-H is a fantastic program that has impacted me in more ways than I can list here, and I will be forever grateful for the lessons it has taught me and for helping me surround myself with like-minded people.