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Gujarat Mulls Law to Check Illegal Immigration to Western Countries

ahmedaBad: In a bid to check rampant illegal immigration to the US and other countries which often results in tragic death, detention and cheating of gullible people, the Gujarat government is mulling to introduce a law to check human smuggling by enacting a legislation on the lines of 'The Punjab Prevention of Human Smuggling Act, 2012'.

The move comes in the wake of a Patel family of four from Dingucha in Gandhinagar freezing to death in a bid to illegally cross over to the US last year and other instances of deaths and detention of Gujaratis attempting to cross over into the US and other countries in an unauthorized manner.

A senior officer of the state home department confirmed that a draft of the proposed legislation is being finalized, with legal experts and a team of the state CID (Crime). The government proposes to enact the law shortly by introducing a bill in the state legislative assembly, most probably in the budget session that begins next month.

"The act will be brought to regulate travel agents in a bid to check and curb illegal and fraudulent activities of organized human smuggling in the state," said a senior home department officer.

A senior home department officer said, “There are also growing incidents of unscrupulous agents cheating foreign aspirants by charging them hefty fee on false promise of sending them abroad.

The new law will put a check on such agents as strict action will be taken under the new law.”

The officer said that the proposed law will institute a system of keep- ing a check on travel agents by registering them and if any irregularities will be found, then those agents will be blacklisted. Travel agents will be issued licenses so that immigrants can avail services of legal and scrupulous agents only, said the officer.

The proposed law is expected to have stringent punishment provisions for travel agents who operate without the mandatory registration and license. A thorough check of the agent’s background will be done before he is granted a license to operate. “If any agent is found to be indulging in activities to traffic humans abroad illegally in a repeated manner, the person will be booked for organised human smuggling under sections of the proposed act,” the officer stated.

The officer said, “Like Punjab’s Doaba region, there is rampant human smuggling from north Gujarat. So, we wanted astringent act like the one enactedin Punjab, where a case is investigated by a DySP rank officer and it is completed within two months.”

Gujarat DGP Ashish Bhatia said that a law to prevent human smuggling in the state will be introduced.

The need for a stringent law against human trafficking has arisen in Gujarat in the wake of the shocking deaths of four members of a Patel family from Dingucha in Gandhinagar district who had frozen to death while crossing the Canada-US border in January 2022.Later in April last year, six men from Gujarat were about to drown while crossing the CanadaUS border through the St Regis river. In December last year, a man from Kalol in Gandhinagar, Brijkumar Yadav, died when he fell while scaling up the Trump wall on the US-Mexico border. His wife and their child are said to be presently in the US.