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Indian-Australians call it for Liberals

PAWAN LUTHRA analyses results of Indian Link's online election survey

The Indian Australian comrnwlir:y has come out strongly in favour of the Liberal-National coali tion in an onli.ne survey conducted by Indian Llnk. Data \Vas gathered over four days between 16 a nd 20 Augus t 2013, from just over 500 peop le across the country M idway th.rough the 2013 election campaign just over 50% of those surveyed indicated their suppo r t for the Coalition for t he September 7 election

Tbe ALP secured 43.28% of the votes, compared ro 50 75% for the Co alition, with the Greens picking up the balance.

An interesting o b servatio n however came from the question on preferred prime minister. Surprisingly, Indian Australians believe tbat Kevin Rudd will make a better prime minister, giving him a comprehensive preference of 52.6% of the votes over Tony Abbott at 47.4%.

Indian Australian voter s seem to view the leadersh ip style of Rudd - or a t least the public leadership sty le - as much more likable.

It seems that the change from Julia Gillard did not make much difference to the voting intentions of the community. Over 70% of the respo ndents confirmed that it did n t1t m ake a difference to them who the leader of i:be ALP is during this period. It appears that aJ1 the troub les w ith Labor, particularly with policy and not just with the personality iss u es at the leader ship leve l, h ave turned Indian Australian vot ers off. l..'.v'liar was surpris ing was the stro ng g ain s that the Coalition has made into the perception of who wilJ d o more for the Indian Australia n c o mmuni ty. Traditionally, Labor has been s trong in staking its creden tials over the m igrant vote. However, in the Indian Link survey, both Labor and Coali tion seem to be neck and neck in securin g just over 47% votes, with the Greens picking up the balance 5%. Palmer United Parry did get a mention as working better for A u stralia's Indian conununity. As the co mmuni ty mamres from the working class migrant group to th ose establis hing, growing or being involved in small businesses, there seems to be the emergence of a shift away from Labor towards the Coalition.

\Xl hile we have certainly grown in numbers in recent years, i t is also clear tbar entreprene urial activity has increased wi thin our numbers with th e new arrival s, who are sma ll to medium business ow ners rather than those in the professions. The doctors and academics made up the ea dy

Indian settlers of the 1970s and '80s, whereas among the newer settlers a la rger number are entrepreneurs. And ro them, Liberal is a better fi c tha n Labor lnfluenc.ing ell.is dec ision is per ha ps also the percep tion that the Coalition w ill forge better relations b etween India and Australia. With the Labor Party stalling on the progress of uranium sales to India, their heavy-hand ed approach to the international stud ents' issue of 2009- ' 1 0, and i:be ir clampdown on 457 visas, the Indian community seems co be leani ng slightly toward the Coalition w ith a 51.5% vote as compared tO 48.5%, for Labor. This is also reflected in the respondents' answers to \Vhich party will offer better immigratio n poli ci es

State- based affairs - whed1er Campbell Newman's cost-cutting measures in Queensland or the Eddie Obe id -lan MacDonald ICAC saga in NSW - seem to have played a marginal ro le Ln the decision of d1e final vote. Only 25% have .indicated that state politics .influen ced t heir decision. lnterestingly e n ough, the debare o n asylum seekers ranked the highest among vacious issues of concern co the voti ng .inte ntions, with educatio n c lose behind. The Australian economy was third as a facwr, whil e cost of living ranked fourth in order of importance In the marginal seats in \'{/estern Sydney, a region which a significant number of Indian A u stralians call home, the refugee issue is a hot topic, and it seem s diat the par ty wh ich settles d1e asylum seeker debate most effectively will stro ng ly gain from the Indian Australia n vote.

At t he last Federal elec ti ons in 2010, Indian Link polling had the election too close to call Days later, d1e election r esults vindicated this finding.

This time round, che Indian Australian commwlity has called it for the Liberal -Natio nal Coalition, opti ng ro voce out tbe Kevi n Rudd - led Labor Party.

It will be clear in just under two weeks if the Indian comrnmlity in Australia gets it r.ight rwo elections ill a row

\X!Jrntever the results, we urge the entire Ind ian Australian community w ho can, tO go out there and make your vote count!

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