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What we heard Embrace

The idea is simple: belonging and connection are universal sources of actual well-being. After a one-year study of Middle Tennessee’s lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer communities in 2019, researchers identified a significant lack of connection and belonging throughout the LGBTQ+ population. As the responses from nearly 2,500 community members were distilled, researchers quickly began identifying and understanding the unmet needs of the LGBTQ+ population.



Engaging with 600+ people at Pride in June provided us with initial feedback about the spaces and locations that are most important to Middle Tennesseans for the LGBTQIA+ community center.

Other Engagement

Between almost 400 people engaged with us, both online and in-person, as we set out to determine what types of programs and designs elements would best serve the future facility.

*We recorded 994 interactions but discussed with many more during informal conversations at various events.