2 minute read

Self-Defense and P.E.E.Ps for People with Disabilities Daniella Jade Lowe

In light of the recent events in Uvalde, and after seeing a post on Instagram on the subject, I was compelled to write my thoughts about it, because it made me really think.

Imagine being an amputee, running for your life, trying to escape from a gunman?


What about the blind? What if the blind had a guide dog and the guide dog got shot?

What if a venue is no where near wheelchair accessible?

Do we need to manufacture bulletproof wheelchairs nowadays?

When I was in high school in Bermuda, we had lockdowns in the midst of school fights, but according to my research, Bermuda has nothing in place like active shooter drills. As a wheelchair user, I was given a Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan (P.E.E.P) in University for fire drills in the UK. I’ve also had an evacuation plan while on a job placement in England, which was successful. https://fb.watch/dfEbtVVhVo/

It looks like America has something in place, but is this effective? Everyone’s right to life shall be protected by law. No one shall be deprived of his life intentionally save in the execution of a sentence of

Neglecting to make reasonable adjustments goes against ones’ ‘right to life’. Not much seems to be in place by way of safety legislation. However, as an alternative, there is martial arts and carrying a gun for self-defense.

Does this help? Don’t our lives matter too?


Disability Martial Arts Association: http://www. disabilitymartialartsassociation.co.uk/introducing_you_to_the_disabilit.htm

Wheelchair Self-Defence: https://www.combat-academy.co.uk/wheelchair-self-defence/

Human Rights Act 1998: https://www.equalityhumanrights.com/en/human-rights-act/article-2-right-life#:~:text=1.,penalty%20is%20provided%20by%20law.

https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/ presidential-actions/2022/05/25/executive-order-on-advancing-effective-accountable-policing-and-criminal-justice-practices-to-enhance-public-trust-and-public-safety/

