1 minute read

Medical Services

You are automatically assigned a Primary Care Provider when you enroll at the University. Our goal is for you to see the same provider each time you schedule a visit at McKinley. However, it is your option to be seen by more available providers as necessary. We believe having a clinician who is familiar with you & your needs increases the quality of care you receive. Our providers offer services in internal medicine, family practice, psychiatry, & gynecology. The staff at McKinley work as a team to provide quality care & service.

If you need to cancel your appointment make sure to do so two hours prior to your scheduled appointment time to avoid any fees charged to your student account. Call 217-333-2700 during business hours or cancel online


Visiting McKinley

Location: 1109 S. Lincoln Avenue, south east corner of campus, next to Illini Grove

Parking: Mobile Meter parking

Bus: Visit MTD’s website (cumtd.com) for stops near McKinley

Self Check-In

When you arrive at McKinley & have a scheduled appointment, swipe your i-card at the convenient self check-in stations in the main lobby. The system will let us know you are here & give you instructions on where to go for your appointment. The automated check-in is silent & quick, which speeds up your visit & enhances your privacy.

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