3 minute read


Federico Peri

2. I imagine an increase in the number of programmers and developers, and the new figures connected with the creative process of the world of AI. At the same time, I do not think AI can replace professionals in the creative sector: some of the dynamics will change, but I hope the quality of the product and design culture will be safeguarded. 6. I don’t think so. I believe that the human factor – above all when we’re talking about creativity – still dominates. Creativity is based on dynamics that are hard to decipher; while it can be simulated with algorithms, I don’t think AI will be able to grasp the “unspoken,” sensations, nuances, and everything that is part of the development of a project. Instead, I do believe interaction is possible: if artificial intelligence functions like brainstorming, I think it can be a great research tool.


Francesco Fresa, Germán Fuenmayor, Gino Garbellini and Monica Tricario

1. Technological tools will have a closer relationship with professionals, to accelerate and augment efficiency in certain operations. But the component of human creativity cannot be replaced, by definition. There will be new professional roles to supplement those that already exist, as happens for all fields in evolution and expansion. 3. Human creativity and artificial creativity are two fields that meet up more and more in our work, but the human component will always guide the creative process to offer spaces that have the idea of wellbeing and social interaction as their central focus.

Raw Edges

2. Probably creative professionals will have to be really good in what they are doing, keep exploring, re-inventing and going deeper in their fields of interest. Anything flat and average would be easily replaced by technological tools. 4. Probably a Teleporter... Imagine being able to move location instantly! In some ways, zoom does that... but it’s only suitable for work purposes, it doesn’t replace social needs nor exploring new destinations. Nowadays with zoom we can have several meetings a day, discussing projects in Japan, Scandivia and the Middle East all in a course of a few hours.

Inga Semp

1. I may be naive but I guess human creativity won’t be obsolete. But clichés will spred even more rapidly. 5. Design is always affected by technological evolution.


Giovanni de Niederhausern, Senior VP Pininfarina Architecture

4 . The question we ask ourselves, almost all of us, regarding artificial intelligence, is if it is possible to internalize the emotional awareness of the human being, to create a machine and/or a piece of software that can do this. 5 . It is a continuous process, already in progress for a long time: there are tools like Spacemaker and XKool that permit us to increase the performance of the project and therefore to focus on strategic, not merely aesthetic, aspects. If instead we are referring to a technological evolution in a wider sense, AI will also redefine our way of doing research: while today we use search engines, in the future the process of gaining information will be based on AI.


2. They have been doing this for years, or rather they are making it much easier and faster for professionals in certain operational aspects, and this is a good thing. The risk, as always, is that we move towards a flattening of results with a consequent lack of peaks of excellence, but perhaps this is also related to an issue of taste trends. 4. It would be ideal to have software that assesses, before a meeting, the courage, vision and real will of entrepreneurs to invest in innovation and development, avoiding us designers and consultants useless waste of time.

Elena Salmistraro

2. I tried Midjourney out of curiosity, putting in some inputs and waiting for the image. The result was not great, but the turnaround time was incredible. I had the feeling of being in front of a big blender: insert, blend and get it quickly. No doubt, in the future, this system will help us visualise ideas very quickly and probably give us more time to focus on aspects such as concept, aesthetics and design. However, the final choice will always remain ours, as will choosing the right fruit and the right quantities. 5. If by ‘way’ we mean the process of making, then certainly yes. Technological evolution has always profoundly changed the design process, making it faster, more precise and more effective, opening the way to new areas and disrupting the relationship between designer and user. Practical examples: CAD software, 3D printers, tablets for drawing, sharing methods and, finally, social and interactive platforms or blogs.

Leonardo Talarico

2. Certain professions will be hit hard: I am referring to the technical development of the project. But new professions will emerge, with the purpose of establishing dialogue with these tools. 5. There will be help on the side of the project, but without influencing the creative part. Design identity and coherence are the key factors of my path of work.

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