1 minute read

I’m in your corner

Mark Northam Secretary

Deputy Premier, Minister for Education and Early Learning Prue Car responding to a question from the MP for Blue Mountains Trish Doyle (27 March):


“It is so important that a key priority of any government is making sure that teachers can do what they are trained to do and what they do best. I know that members on this side of the House agree that in front of a classroom is where we need our teachers. We need our teachers teaching our children, not tied up with excessive, endless amounts of paperwork and unnecessary admin.”

Time for dioceses to emulate the Department of Education

A comprehensive review of teacher workload is critical to address the teacher shortage crisis.

Combing through diocesan policies to establish which can be dispensed with is important work.

A framework focused on teaching and learning is the way forward. Policies which no longer reflect NESA’s or TQI’s intentions should be culled or moderated. The recent clarification provided by NESA in relation to programs and school registration requirements provide examples of tasks that can be reviewed and modified.

IEU organisers will be available in Term 3 to facilitate discussions at school level in relation to workload reviews. Importantly,

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