2 minute read

Word from the President

This year’s theme for our annual meeting was “There’s no future without history”. It was not chosen by chance but due to the fact we were standing in an ancient city, rich with fascinating history that has contributed to the progress of mankind. And there is so much to learn from that in order to create a better future.

We have done our outmost to have the meeting in Rome in-person despite COVID-19 and Omicron. As a leading industry association, we needed to showcase that meeting can happen even in difficult times.

We all understand the value of business meetings:

• The economic impact of course, which remains very important and can help many destinations with a faster recovery from the pandemic

• But beyond that economic impact, business meetings are the accelerator for the advancement of science and technology, they improve patient care, and enhance business collaboration

• They also leave valuable legacy to the local community and help raise awareness for sustainability

The only way for the business meeting sector to recover is if we all work together: Government, Municipalities, Policy Makers, CBVs, industry associations and PCOs. Our Meeting in Rome marked a new beginning on that critical collaboration to collectively build the future of our Industry.

We don’t forget that the future is also hybrid – creating huge opportunities to raise the level of engagement within communities by providing accessibility and inclusion. By holding our meeting in an hybrid format, we were not only able to accommodate those that could not travel to Rome, but also open up to new attendees, and engage a record number of them this year through an exciting online programme.

Thank you to our Italian hosts for welcoming us so warmly in Rome, to our speakers for inspiring us during the 3 days, to our partners for their continued support and to all our members for their participation and engagement.

This edition provides an overview of what was discussed during those 3 intensive days and offers a picture of our industry as it is today, as much as reflections on what it might be tomorrow.

To the future!