2 minute read

60 seconds with...Martin Boyle

A Moment with …



Tell us about what you are working on at the moment for IAPCO

Well, having just started with IAPCO HQ, I’m currently reaching out to all of our members, partners and service providers to hear from them, share insights and plan for IAPCO’s future. I’m also learning as much as I possibly can about all things IAPCO from Sarah and Olivia. By the time this will have been published, I will have just presented at the IAPCO EDGE Seminar in Taipei alongside IAPCO President, Mathias Posch, and PCMA’s Regional Business Director APAC, Antonio Codinach, as well as participating in a very active IMEX!

What is the best book/online resource you have/currently use/recommend?

I have found Linkedin to be a valuable on-line resource to facilitate introductions, gain access to interesting articles and keep on top of who’s doing what in our industry. I also like to read and refer to Fast Company and The Economist publications regularly to keep me up to speed on global trends, business and political activities.

Any advice for someone joining the event industry as a PCO?

Don’t fear the unexpected, expect to be surprised, grab hold of opportunities, to volunteer when you can and always try to consider what your clients, delegates and partners would want and expect. Go for it!

What would you do for a career if you were not an eventprof?

A water-ski instructor. I just love to see the beaming smiles on the faces of the skiers the moment they eventually stand up on their skis for the first time. I have to add, however, that I’d prefer to do this in a warm, sunny climate as opposed to doing so in Scotland where I live!

Tell us something that might surprise us about you

When I was a young lad living in Singapore in the mid 70s, I was asked to be an extra in a Bollywood film. I didn’t realise it at the time, but given that I didn’t get a call back to be in the sequel, I must have been better behind the scenes with the event staff, not acting. A foreshadow of my path into the events industry, I suppose.

What is your personal philosophy/quote?

I would have to quote the following: ‘Do unto others as you would have done to you’.

PCO | May 2019


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