2 minute read

President’s MessaGe

Happy New Year!

I can’t believe it is already January 2023, another great year of important groundwater management activities.


What a year we have had in GRAs 30th Anniversary! The 2022 year started off strong as we hosted GRA’s largest event in our 30-year history, ISMAR11. Attendees joined us from all over the world both in person and virtually for the weeklong event including presentations, workshops, field trips, and lots of time for socializing and networking at our outstanding receptions. We followed up this event in June with two of our signature events, combined, to make one exceptional event. The Law and Legislation Forum was one of the best I have attended in my 11 years with GRA and boasted some top notch speakers. Our GSA Summit, on the second day, sparked some great discussion in a very intimate setting, highlighted by our closing panel Coffee with DWR and the State Board. It was truly intriguing to be able to have the close connections with Paul Gosselin and Anthony Wohletz to conclude the event. Our last event of the year, The Western Groundwater Congress was truly an amazing and inspirational event. I was so proud of all who invested their time and energy into our grand signature event, and made it one of the best GRA events of all time.

I am truly so thankful for all of our amazing volunteers! Our exceptional Board members have made this job of President so enjoyable thanks to all of their hard work, passion, and dedication to this organization and our mission. Our branch leadership continues to impress me with all of their creativity and their desire to develop fun and educational ways to get their branches together both virtually and in person. A huge shout-out goes to all of those volunteers who continue to step up and help create outstanding content, run committees, and to those who constantly sponsor this wonderful organization with their time, money, and energy. GRA could not be the incredible organization it is today without all of you, and for that you have my utmost respect.

President’s MessaGe

As we finish up the this holiday season, my hopes are that your workloads have slowed down, so you can enjoy time with your families and loved ones and have opportunities to create memories that will last you a lifetime. Trusting you all had a safe, happy, and fun holiday season, and I can’t wait to see you all in the New Year! As we kick off 2023, here are some new year’s resolutions related to GRA for you:

• Join one of our 7 regional branches

• Attend one of our 4 conferences/in person events

• Tune in for GRA-Casts and branch meetings

This year is another pivotal time for SGMA implementation with expected GSP reviews and more guidance and information from DWR. Remember that GRA strives to provide you with the most up-to-date information on all things SGMA and we have 3 events to help you navigate this complex state-wide CA groundwater management effort.