1 minute read

We cooked with grassroots projects across Europe.

Our journey took us to kitchens in restaurants, care homes, studios, offices, theatres, festivals, squats and farms.


An immersive experience for intergenerational and intercultural connection and exchange.

Profound moments everyday, listening and learning from each other.

Making precious memories, finding joy together.

Documenting Recipes of HOPE became an act of cultural preservation.

The Welcome Tent enabled us to hold space for each other - a safe place to rest and reveal our true selves.


Today, sharing our collective story feels more important than ever.

Recipes of HOPE give us inspiration to face our fears as we adapt to the future.

Recipes of HOPE help us remember how to be human.

“a true celebration of humanity, by letting visitors experience through creative interventions how sharing our cultural values enriches us all. The Welcome Tent combines different creative disciplines: from design to music to poetry to cooking…

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