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Election guide

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Chase Marcum At-Large Representative

Sebastian Taylor Gerardo Hernandez Social Justice & Equity Officer

Payton Belle Environmental Sustainability

Mark Bulgara

This candidate will interrupt your regularly scheduled political programming with a steadfast purpose to redistribute power back to the students, bring truth to light, amplify your voices, promote unity, and create a positive and healthy student experience here at Cal Poly Humboldt. I have had the great opportunity to serve my fellow students over the past year as the Student Affairs Vice President last semester and the Administrative Vice President this semester. In those endeavors I have championed important causes such as student access to all campus spaces and resources, exemplified by the reopening of buildings and facilities such as the student swimming pool and dining facilities last semester. This semester I co-authored, introduced, and passed through A.S. game changing policies to increase student wages, including back pay for student workers, and will continue to pursue equal access to benefits such as local healthcare, dental, and vision. I fully intend to continue my advocacy for just and worthy causes that will benefit my fellow students now and into the future in an honest, transparent, and collaborative way. I ask for your vote humbly as it is not a vote for one but a vote for many, a vote to uplift and empower all of us: the students.

I am a lifetime local born in Humboldt County, and my name is Sebastian Taylor. In taking the time to visit one Associated Student meeting, I noticed how many roles were vacant. The university is beginning to transition into a polytechnic university utilizing a state grant amounting to over 7% of the entire GDP of Humboldt County. It is vital for the Associated Students to be running and communicating efficiently in order for the student community to reap the benefits of this transition. This is an immense endowment upon the administration as well as the students of this institution, and the decisions made in transition will have lasting effects on the students, locals, and the efficacy of this institution.

In running for At-Large Representative, I assume the representation of the student community as a whole. This role allows me to take on initiatives that we feel are the most pertinent to the student body. The lack of connection between the Associated Students Representatives and their constituents is the most pressing issue for student government after we were all forced to go digital for multiple semesters. My biggest initiative, no matter what role I am in at this university, is connecting students to the positions that empower them. I believe my attitude as a Black, local, impoverished student supporting myself is necessary in translating the ideas of the student community to the Associated Students during this historic transformation into California State Polytechnic University, Humboldt. Utilizing my experience as sophomore Class President at Saint

Bernard’s Academy and my growing expertise as a digital media student, I plan to implement innovation by reconnecting the students with their institution and each other. Thank you for your time and consideration.

Hello everyone my name is Gerardo Hernadez, my major is Political Science and I am a first generation student at Cal Poly Humboldt. I am running to be your At-Large Representative for this year’s Associated Students’ elections because I want to lead, represent, and give students a platform to express their feelings and concerns to A.S. about Cal Poly Humboldt. This position gives me the opportunity to connect with our organizations and departments that are not affiliated with an academic college. Not only will it give me a chance to talk with them, it will give me a chance to talk to you and see how A.S. can help our entire student union.

I come from humble beginnings, my grandparents crossed the Mexico/U.S. Border to give opportunities for my family to prosper in America. My grandmother is a huge inspiration for me, she always cared so much for her community in Los Angeles and would attend nearly every city council meeting because she valued the roots she put forth to my family. Throughout the four years in high school, I participated in my high school debate team and not only did I have the opportunity to debate various topics but I also learned the importance of advocacy and transparency. If I am on the A.S. Board, I will advocate on your behalf and I will promote awareness of our Student Body Government.

As Cal Poly Humboldt becomes the first Polytechnic University in Northern California, I applaud that our University wants to increase enrollment for the entire student body by 50% within three years, although it’s important to recognise that our students continue to experience housing and/or food insecurity. In 2018, a statewide study authorized by the CSU system, showed there were high rates of CSU students experiencing housing insecurity and 19 percent of Cal Poly Humboldt students reported being housing insecure at least once in those last 12 months of that statewide study. I will advocate to the A.S. Board to prioritize advocating and addressing expanding resources towards students experiencing housing and/or food insecurities.

If you want someone to advocate for you and be transparent on what is happening in our Student Government, I will strongly do that to the best of my ability. She/Her

I came to Humboldt because of how far away it is from my home and how beautiful the area around the school is, however I have remained at our school because of the friendships and communities I have established here. I have also stayed here because I am a Criminology and Justice Studies major and I love the education that I am getting from the program and I feel like I would not get the same information anywhere else. On campus I’m involved in Delta Phi Epsilon where I have gotten the opportunity to serve as the first Vice President of Equity and Belonging, with that position I have been able to educate my sisters on various topics throughout the semester. Being a part of DPhiE has helped me become more professional and has even allowed me to be an advocate for my sisters and others. I have also been involved with CHECK IT on campus which is one of my favorite organizations because they promote a consent culture and just overall allow people to feel welcomed and loved. I had almost transferred schools for personal reasons but I knew I was not ready to leave my friends that I had made up here just yet. I have learned so much from the people I surround myself with and they are the reasons why I want to run for Social Justice and Equity Officer. I believe that a majority of our students are underrepresented and that they need a voice to understand them and speak for them. I want to be that voice and to have those conversations with my peers in regards to how they feel or to see what they would like to see happen in regards to our school or even community. I would also like to see our cultural centers uplifted more so our students who are people of color can know that they have a place to go and actually feel welcomed. I want to be an advocate for our students and to help them get the resources that they need, I really want to help promote the resources that are available to our students currently. Overall I want to be someone that my peers feel comfortable with to come up to and just have a conversation with, I really want our students to know that I am here for them and to help them in any way possible.

My name is Mark Bulgara, and my pronouns are He/Him. My major is Environmental Resource Engineering. I choose Cal Poly Humboldt because of the scenery and peace. Before coming here, I attended UC San Diego, and It was loud, busy, and fast-paced. It wasn’t something I wanted to stay in, and when I found out about Cal Poly Humboldt, I knew it was a campus I wanted to attend. After experiencing this campus and town, I knew it was just meant to be. The peaceful atmosphere, surrounded by nature, and the small-town life are just what I needed.

As a student of Environmental Resource Engineering, I have a problem-solving mindset. I used the principles of my major of problem-solving to become a student advocate. Hence I became one of the College of Natural Resources & Sciences representatives. Every day I reflect on my experiences as a student, engineer, and representative to ensure that we keep a clean environment and green campus.

I am seeking the position of Environmental Sustainability Officer because I care deeply about how natural resources are utilized and how well our environment is sustained. If given the opportunity as the Environmental Sustainability Officer, I find it crucial for student outreach by attending Associated Students body meetings where the public has the right to speak of issues they’d like to see addressed, and I will serve as a voice for my fellow board members to assist in all ways that necessary.

One project I find interest in is affordable housing. This is an important issue we face currently as students. Many know the struggles of finding a place to live while pursuing our education, and we will make sure to create affordable housing for all students to access; I’ll make it my priority to make sure that housing space for students to access is easy to find and utilize with the support of our upcoming/ returning board members.

Proofread and copyedited by Lumberjack Staff

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