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Strategies For Effective Learning And Development With A Remote Workforce

Top 7 tips for effective learning when your workforce is remote or distributed.

By Lilian Chen, Bar None Games

Overthe last few years, many organizations have shifted to a remote or flexible work model. While employees have benefited from saving time in their commute and becoming more productive during the workday with this model, it has presented challenges when it comes to learning and development (L&D).

The traditional models of on-the-job learning look very different when employees are no longer sitting directly next to their peers. Below, I share the top 7 tips for strategies for effective L&D with a remote workforce.

1. Embrace Virtual Training

One of the most obvious solutions for remote L&D is to embrace virtual training. Video conferencing applications such as Zoom, Skype, and Microsoft Teams have become ubiquitous in the workplace, and these tools can be leveraged for training sessions as well. By using virtual training, organizations can save on costs associated with in-person training sessions, while still delivering high-quality training to remote employees.

2. Make Training Materials Easily Accessible

Remote employees need easy access to training materials. This means that training materials should be stored in a centralized location, such as a learning management system (LMS). The LMS should be easy to navigate and search so that employees can quickly find the information they need. Additionally, all training materials should be accessible from any device, including laptops, tablets, and smartphones.

3. Use Microlearning

Microlearning is a training approach that involves delivering small, bite-sized pieces of information to learners. This approach is well-suited to remote learning, as it allows employees to learn at their own pace and fit training into their schedules as needed. Microlearning can take many forms, such as short videos, infographics, or quizzes. By breaking training down into smaller pieces, employees are more likely to retain the information and can easily review materials as needed.

4. Use Interactive Training Tools

Interactive training tools can help keep remote employees engaged during training sessions. These tools can include things like trivia quizzes, polls, and breakout sessions. By incorporating interactive elements into training sessions, employees are more likely to stay engaged and retain the information presented.

5. Provide Opportunities for Peer-to-Peer Learning

Peer-to-peer learning is an important aspect of workplace L&D, and it is especially important in a remote work environment. Organizations can facilitate peer-to-peer learning by creating online forums, discussion boards, or chat groups where employees can ask questions, share information, and offer support to one another.

6. Offer Coaching and Mentorship

Coaching and mentorship can be incredibly valuable for remote employees, as it can be more difficult to receive feedback and guidance in a remote work environment. Organizations can provide coaching and mentorship through virtual sessions with managers or senior staff members. By offering coaching and mentorship, organizations can help remote employees feel more connected to the organization and supported in their professional development.

7. Evaluate Training Effectiveness

Finally, organizations need to evaluate the effectiveness of their remote L&D programs. This can be done through surveys, quizzes, or other assessments that measure employee knowledge before and after training sessions. Organizations should use this data to refine their training programs and to identify areas where additional training may be needed.

How to Integrate it Into Your Own Workforce

Effective L&D is crucial for employee growth and organizational success, even in a remote work environment. By embracing the above tips, your organization can create a successful remote L&D program. Prioritizing employee L&D helps organizations ensure that their workforce is prepared for future challenges and opportunities.

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